spacedentist / spr

Submit pull requests for individual, amendable, rebaseable commits to GitHub
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[bug?] spr diff not updating (draft?) PR #164

Open yeo-yeo opened 1 year ago

yeo-yeo commented 1 year ago

👋 Hello!

A couple of times this week we have had issues where we run spr diff to update an existing PR (opened with spr), and although in the command line it seems like everything was ok, no changes occur on Github.

In both cases the PR in question was in draft state, so maybe that is relevant.

This is the output on the terminal on each occasion, in case that helps:

  monorepo git:(master) spr diff -m "update"
11a3da0 Deleted message state
  #️⃣   Pull Request #4423:
  ⚠️  The Pull Request's title/message differ from the local commit's message.
     Use `spr diff --update-message` to overwrite the title and message on GitHub with the local message, or `spr amend` to go the other way
     (rewrite the local commit message with what is on GitHub).
  🔁  Commit was changed - updating Pull Request #4423
f91ba54 Implementation on test bed
  #️⃣   Pull Request #4422:
  ⚾  Commit was rebased - updating Pull Request #4422
yeo-yeo commented 1 year ago

Ooo have just noticed the changes are appearing in the PR's base branch