spacehackers / catalogs the active human-made machines that freckle our solar system and dot our galaxy
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2d solar system schematics #25

Open basilleaf opened 7 years ago

basilleaf commented 7 years ago

Issue by basilleaf Sunday Feb 22, 2015 at 21:12 GMT Originally opened as

thinking another possible way to get probe location in solar system might be by using pointing angle of DSN dish (also in dsn raw feed as ra and dec i believe) combined with the distance-to-probe (w/ location on earth globe and TOD). In pyephem you can convert between coordinate systems and astropy may be useful

ok how nerdy would it be to display it all in css with border radius to make circles + ellipses? haha j/k not a masochist kinda want to

we don't need animation but might be nice to have some subtle behavior/interaction take place - or at least have the option, even if just on first load - rather than serving purely static image, so kinda thinking would like the image to be front-end generated.. Canvas? backend just supplies some numbers..

and ok i just love this little css animation <3


basilleaf commented 7 years ago

Comment by basilleaf Friday May 22, 2015 at 03:20 GMT


basilleaf commented 7 years ago

Comment by basilleaf Friday May 22, 2015 at 03:21 GMT


basilleaf commented 7 years ago

Comment by basilleaf Saturday Jun 06, 2015 at 05:35 GMT
