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Beginner Tutorial #2

Open novacor opened 3 years ago

novacor commented 3 years ago

Needs ; at end of line 14 of main.cs

novacor commented 3 years ago

modEntry.OnToggle = OnToggle;

10Bitz commented 2 years ago

I'm having problems getting it to show in Unity Mod Manager. I have the release files placed in the mods folder under MyFirstMod but it will not show up. I have also tried zipping it and dropping the files into Unity Mod Manager but it comes back with error parsing stating "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

I did notice the ; was missing on one of the lines and added it, as novacor mentioned. I also found that I did not have the 0Harmony12.dll instead I could only find 0Harmony.dll to use as a reference.

PiotrZur commented 2 years ago

Line: "Version": "1.0.0",

is missing in Info.json , that's why there is NullReference error