spacehuhn / wifi_ducky

Upload, save and run keystroke injection payloads with an ESP8266 + ATMEGA32U4
MIT License
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Scripts not being sent through #34

Open Dev01-D opened 7 years ago

Dev01-D commented 7 years ago

Managed to get wifi ducky to broadcast an SSID and connect to it on but non of the 'live execute' scripts i am trying are working. even tried the basic: GUI r STRING regedit ENTER

beamzer commented 7 years ago

I found that some devices don't like the 57200 baudrate in the source (see my issue: Problem with P ) this might also be the cause for your scripts not coming through? Switch to 57600 and see it that helps

Otherwise, you can enable debug on the esp software (for some reason the variable is both in esp8266_wifi_duck and settings.h) and connect that to second computer and watch what's happening over USB-serial. But separate the power if your doing that, because both devices will be fed 5V over USB. So you would only use GND, RX and TX between them

br0k3nilluzion commented 7 years ago

I am getting the same issue. I can connect to AP, but scripts will not Live Execute.
Is there a known problem with Windows 7 and this setup? I am using a Pro Micro and D1 mini as well