spacehuhn / wifi_keylogger

DIY Arduino Wi-Fi Keylogger (Proof of Concept)
MIT License
343 stars 68 forks source link

Help Please #5

Open xxwiredxx opened 6 years ago

xxwiredxx commented 6 years ago

I am using this on a 3.3v Arduino Pr Micro, Micro USB Shield and the new ESP8266, and everything is working, and the ESP8266 is broadcasting the SSID and connects, but it does not create a working webserver. Host unreachable at

Am I missing something?

ongjinzen commented 5 years ago

I was encountering the same problem but I managed to fix it by changing the flash size to "4M (2M SPIFFS)" under the Tools drop down menu.

ahmadjutt611 commented 4 years ago

I have Arduino pro micro and mini USB host shield but its not work when I connect them together. Does anyone help me?

nutc4k3 commented 3 years ago

I have Arduino pro micro and mini USB host shield but its not work when I connect them together. Does anyone help me?

Have you seen section 5 of this file? It might help.

Fattcat commented 1 year ago

Hello dear Spacehuhn can you make Arduino keylogger which will be saving all pressed keys on keyboard to SD Card please.