spacemandev-git / fvtt-card-support

Adds programmatic deck support to FoundryVTT
MIT License
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Apply new discard icon to drawn card tiles #29

Open kristianserrano opened 4 years ago

kristianserrano commented 4 years ago

When a card has been drawn to the table, it still uses the old trashcan icon. It should be updated to the new discard tray icon used on the deck.

Norc commented 4 years ago

good report, thanks. Will probably fix this Wednesday.

spacemandev-git commented 4 years ago

The card on the table trashcan discards the card, where as the other places the new icon is used it shows the discard card.

These are different features and as such, the card on the table should not use the new icon, but instead remain the trash can

kristianserrano commented 4 years ago

@spacemandev-git I'd disagree. Hear me out.

The original change from trash can to discard tray was to make it more obvious that it wasn't a delete button. Changing to a tray icon associated the icon with that functionality.

The same would be true of using the same icon on the card. It's true that the trash can icon implies it's deleting the card, but what happens to that card is not obvious. Using the tray icon draws a connection to the icon's function on the deck and associates the icon with that functionality of the module. Thus, the tray icon communicates that it would place that card in the discard tray more clearly than a trash can would.

Norc commented 4 years ago

Ok, I won't change it without a consensus of course spaceman.

I changed the Discard Hand button to the inbox icon also. Let me know if you want that back to trash can.

Norc commented 4 years ago

The more I think about this, the more I agree with Kristian. I feel pretty strongly that the "inbox" icon should be consistent with "discard" throughout the UI. After all, that is the icon that is displayed for the "View DIscard" option, so I think consistent messaging is important. Inbox for discard, fire for burn (or trash would also work).