spacemanspiff2007 / HABApp

Easy home automation with MQTT and/or openHAB
Apache License 2.0
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Update config.yml #356

Closed Puzzlr closed 1 year ago

Puzzlr commented 1 year ago

Added comment to connection parameters for openhab to aid newcomers in configuring HABapp. It probably took me half an hour (would have been much longer if not for this ( post to figure this out. Related to issue #350 .

spacemanspiff2007 commented 1 year ago

Didn't HABApp generate a default config for you where the entries were set to an empty string? The next version will not connect to openHAB any more if user/pw is missing.

NickWaterton commented 1 year ago

Will the next version of HABApp be using the new websocket interface? It has the potential to be much better than the current SSE interface.

I'm using a user token for the current access - will this be supported also? I don't want to use user/password (basic authentication) for access.

Puzzlr commented 1 year ago

It did make a config.yml with blank user and passwrd entries. I tried to find the template for that file and thought this was it (with placeholder name and password since you posted issue #350). My suggesties min would be to clarify the need for the username and password in the config.yml to prevent newcomers the frustration of a not connecting HABapp. Beter to frustrate later when you try to wrap your brain around the concept of classes (I've myself just begun the path of learning Python).

spacemanspiff2007 commented 1 year ago

Will the next version of HABApp be using the new websocket interface? It has the potential to be much better than the current SSE interface.

Not the next but one of the next versions will support it. Currently time is rather limited on my side.

I'm using a user token for the current access - will this be supported also? I don't want to use user/password (basic authentication) for access.

If you generate a new user/pw combination with random chars it's as secure as a token ;-)

NickWaterton commented 1 year ago

Is that a no?

Because I'm not generating a new username/password with random chars.

spacemanspiff2007 commented 1 year ago

Is that a no?

Because I'm not generating a new username/password with random chars.

The idea for the websockets PR was from me so of course HABApp will at some point support it. I'm just pointing out that tokens are not more secure than basic auth so there is no benefit and pain of using them.

Besides - generating a user/password is one command in the openHAB console and copy pasting it to the HABApp config will take <60secs. If you pick random chars as a password it will be as secure as a token. Adding proper websocket support will be > 10h work for me.

NickWaterton commented 1 year ago

Just really wanting to know a yes/no answer - ie will my existing HABApp config need to be updated, or will it just work out of the box with the existing token?

Not keen on breaking changes...

I think using websockets will be a big improvement - not expecting it overnight though.

spacemanspiff2007 commented 1 year ago

fixed in 1.0.7