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Spacemesh Improvement Proposals
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Transaction Processing #37

Closed noamnelke closed 1 year ago

noamnelke commented 3 years ago

Transaction syntactic validation

See SMIP #23 for transaction structure and encoding.

Transaction counter/nonce and batching

We must decide on what makes the transaction counter/nonce valid and how to handle batching before specifying the following:

This topic, along with a proposal for adding a time-to-live value on each transaction, is discussed in this forum thread.

Gossip propagation criteria

Open questions

Transaction mempool admittance criteria

Open questions

Transaction mempool eviction

When one of the transaction mempool admittance criteria changes - transactions should be evicted.

Limits on block content

See forum thread.

There should be limits on:

The limits should be set such that the sum of the gas limit is the limiting factor. The other limits should be more relaxed, to make optimization easier in the common case.

Prioritization of transactions in the mempool for inclusion in blocks

Selecting specific transactions for a block from a prioritized list

Syntactic validation of blocks

Voting against blocks in the Hare protocol, if they have bad / too few transactions

Should we do something of this sort?

Withholding or granting rewards, based on included transactions

Should we do something of this sort?

Transaction processing [when a layer is validated]

  1. Deterministic unpredictable sorting and de-duplication of transactions that appear in contextually valid blocks.
  2. For each transaction:
    1. Contextually validate (matching counter, sufficient balance).
    2. Execute (using SVM / simple transfer handler).
    3. Store receipt (all transactions included in contextually valid blocks should have a matching receipt).


Important note: While charging fees is part of this SMIP, distributing proceeds from fees to miners will be covered by a separate SMIP once the reward scheme is finalized.

Open questions

avive commented 3 years ago

Add a receipts generation and storage in the db step to Transaction processing section. All execution cases should be considered. Every executed transaction needs to generate a receipt even if it fails. Correct fees needs to be deducted in cases such as svm runtime error, etc...

avive commented 3 years ago

Regarding: SVM transactions resulting in an error will pay for the gas consumed until the error occurred.. I think that what you want here is for callers to pay the maximum amount to discourage attacks that call with bad params to create an exception close to beginning of execution. @lrettig

avive commented 3 years ago

Regarding SVM transactions incur a fee based on declared gas price and actual gas consumed. I think you should check with @YaronWittenstein - I think that all vault txs for sm 0.2 and 0.3 can have fixed gas costs defined in the template on the mesh. At least there was a discussion on this in the last svm related research-dev meeting - I just don't 100% sure what was the conclusion. Yaron - are we going with fixed gas for svm txs for 0.3 or not?

avive commented 3 years ago

q: can a layer be verified more than once? e.g. in case of after self-healing. if yes - can a tx be executed more than once? if yes, does the new receipts just over-ride the old receipts generated by executions of txs in that layer?

avive commented 3 years ago

Add to open questions: do we need to support additional transaction types beyond what we defined in this smipp?

noamnelke commented 3 years ago

I think that what you want here is for callers to pay the maximum amount to discourage attacks that call with bad params to create an exception close to beginning of execution.

Why? If a transaction causes an error early it will cost the system very little, and pay a proportional fee. Why call it an attack or discourage it? You may as well create a smart contract that does nothing and call that - it would be identical. Is that an attack?

I think that all vault txs for sm 0.2 and 0.3 can have fixed gas costs defined in the template on the mesh.

This is an implementation detail - you're saying that instead of measuring actual consumed gas we'll query it from the contract - fine. Doesn't matter for the purpose of fee calculation.

can a layer be verified more than once?

Sure, but if a layer gets rolled back and re-applied then the state is also rolled back to before that layer. The transaction will be executed a second time, but the results of the first execution will be discarded.

do we need to support additional transaction types beyond what we defined...?

This is being discussed in the context of transaction batching, counter/nonce and [dis]allowing gaps. I don't think it makes sense as a stand-alone question.

avive commented 3 years ago

There are reasons why all gas is consumed on smart contract runtime exception and this is how smart contract execution works in eth 1.0. Research should form a concrete opinion about this - I'm just raising this as a consideration.

noamnelke commented 3 years ago


There are reasons

It seems that it was just tech-debt that was fixed 3 years ago with EIP-140.

lrettig commented 3 years ago

It seems that it was just tech-debt that was fixed 3 years ago with EIP-140.

I agree with this assessment. There may be specific scenarios where a smart contract developer wants the contract to consume all remaining gas on an error, or in certain scenarios, but I can't think of any off the top of my head and it seems unnecessarily punitive in general. As @noamnelke pointed out,

If a transaction causes an error early it will cost the system very little, and pay a proportional fee.

There's a separate-but-related question here, which we discussed yesterday, and which is unique to the mesh: if a tx includes a very large maxgas, but only ends up consuming a small portion of that gas, it still fills block space and prevents other transactions from occupying that space. So we clearly have to charge something for unused maxgas. We need to think, and maybe try some simulations, to figure out whether the cost should be linear (e.g., 1/2 of unused maxgas) or sublinear (e.g., log of unused maxgas) or something else.

lrettig commented 3 years ago

q: can a layer be verified more than once? e.g. in case of after self-healing. if yes - can a tx be executed more than once? if yes, does the new receipts just over-ride the old receipts generated by executions of txs in that layer?

A receipt includes a merkle proof of inclusion/execution of a tx (and points to the output). The old receipt would be meaningless as the state will have been updated (so its merkle proof would point nowhere).

noamnelke commented 3 years ago


So we clearly have to charge something for unused maxgas

I raised this in the meeting and suggested charging some portion of the gas for unused maxgas. Tal agreed and called it a discount for the unused gas, that can be set anywhere between 0-100% (we probably don't want it at 100%). We didn't consider making it non-linear, but it's definitely something to consider.

In any case, I think there's consensus that we'll charge something for unused maxgas and it's not critical to decide this early, as changing the exact formula should be easy.

lrettig commented 3 years ago

I suspect the "right" way to figure this out is by simulation. This is a great example of a small, well-defined problem that has an optimal answer - i.e., there is some number that will minimize waste (without sacrificing security).

countvonzero commented 1 year ago
