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Smapp requirements for working with wallets (WIP) #57

Open avive opened 2 years ago

avive commented 2 years ago


Wallet File

Wallet Names

Wallet Metadata

Network Ids

Smapp currently has one network id that it should obtain from the config file for a local node provider and from the node api for a remote api provider. In the future we would like to add support for working with multiple networks with Smapp but for now we can assume only 1 network in Smapp.

A network-id is also included in the wallet's file and not in the meta-data smapp has about the wallet. This is a safety feature that is designed to enable helping users to avoid accidentally mixing wallets between networks by importing to Smapp a wallet with a network id which is different than the app's network id.. e.g. trying to use a testnet wallet on mainnet.