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Investigate allowing node to do post init before full sync is complete #211

Open lrettig opened 1 year ago

lrettig commented 1 year ago

Right now, a user has to fully sync their node before they can do post init. They need to have seen all ATXs since genesis to validate them and discover a commitment ATX with a high weight as input for label generation. This isn't a big issue early on but will have severe UX consequences as the network ages and initial sync takes longer. We need to explore whether there's a way to avoid this requirement, or else to do some sort of "fast sync" of at least the chain of ATXs to allow a new smesher to do their post init quickly.

CC @noamnelke, @fasmat, @countvonzero

See (internal) slack thread

the primary reason is outlined here:

countvonzero commented 1 year ago

the title is misleading. full sync is not the same as ATX synced. sync flow fetches ATX befpre everything else

fasmat commented 1 year ago

I think we can close this issue, since we know the reasons as to why the node behaves as it does at the moment. In summary:

lrettig commented 1 year ago

@fasmat I think it might be helpful to keep this open as an "epic" task tracking the to do items you listed. (There's another to do item for smapp: allow smeshing to be configured immediately rather than requiring the user to wait for sync to complete.)