spacemeshos / pm

Project management. Meta-tasks related to research, dev, and specs for the Spacemesh protocol and infrastructure.
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Shared active set #315

Open mathcrypto opened 3 months ago

mathcrypto commented 3 months ago

As a result of the abnormal growth in the number of ATXs, the sync process isn’t as effective as it should be. It does not guarantee that node will download all missing ATXs which then causes poor ATX propagation. As a result, many nodes are using slightly different active sets.

In order to guarantee that most nodes are using the same active set, we have implemented a short term solution which includes sharing an active set from our server that nodes use as a base (they can add any additional ATXs they know about). The long term solution would be to encode the active set with a difference, rather than re-encoding whole activeset and additionally we may consider building active deterministically from 1 or several blocks, This may not be an issue at all if sync and gossip are improved and work as intended.
