spacemeshos / smapp-lite

The light wallet application for Spacemesh network
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User Confirmation on the page reload to prevent data loss #48

Open monikasmolarek opened 1 month ago

monikasmolarek commented 1 month ago

It would be nice to have a user confirmation prompt before the page reloads on certain steps to prevent data loss. For example saying something like "You have unsaved changes. If you leave this page, you may lose your progress. Are you sure you want to leave/reload?"

I will list all the cases where it should pop up later on - now just quickly saving the idea and some first cases.

Mnemonic Phrase Page

Mnemonic Confirmation Page

Recover Wallet from Mnemonics Page

Import Wallet File Page

Password Setup Page

Any Form with User Input (I will probably specify them later on): Whenever there is a form where the user has entered data, but has not yet completed the process.