spacemeshos / smcli

Spacemesh command-line tool
MIT License
8 stars 9 forks source link

Finalize tool name #48

Open lrettig opened 1 year ago

lrettig commented 1 year ago

The CLI command (the binary) was originally sm but it's now smcli. The help message is therefore contradictory:

> ./smcli -h
sm is your terminal's connection to the Spacemesh network.

The sm CLI provides an ergonomic set of tools for managing a node and wallet.

  sm [command]

Available Commands:
  completion  Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
  help        Help about any command
  wallet      A brief description of your command

      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/.smcli.yaml)
  -h, --help            help for sm
  -t, --toggle          Help message for toggle

Use "sm [command] --help" for more information about a command.

Pick a name and harmonize these.

0xjac commented 10 months ago

@lrettig Happy to fix it. Do you want to go the fancy way with debug.BuildInfo to retrieve the module name auto-magically? Or do you prefer a constant which is used across the project (and can be easily overwritten when compiling)?

Also if you are courageous about picking a name, I think smctl, "à la systemd" (systemctl, journalctl, etc.), is nicer than smcli. :grimacing: :wink:

lrettig commented 10 months ago

@0xjac thanks for offering to help here! I think before renaming this we need to figure out its destiny -- is it simply going to be a CLI wallet (which it is now), or will it be a "swiss army knife" with lots of other features? CC @spacemeshos/core-dev-team

If the former, smctl probably isn't the best name. If the latter then that's a great choice.

0xjac commented 10 months ago

Yeah, I understood this tool more as the latter than the former but up to you. In the meantime I am happy to just provide a fix where the current name (smcli) is defined in a constant and used across the code base. Making it easy to change the name later either in the code or at compilation.

Would that be ok for you?

countvonzero commented 10 months ago

@0xjac i think that's a great idea. feel free to put me as a reviewer. thanks