spacemonkeygo / openssl

OpenSSL bindings for Go
Apache License 2.0
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Remove SHA0 #77

Open Sp1l opened 7 years ago

Sp1l commented 7 years ago

In you're using SHA-0. This standard was never used as collisions were found prior to ratifying it as a standard, please remove it from the code.

Context: OpenSSL 1.1 removed SHA-0 completely (as did LibreSSL). Building breaks on could not determine kind of name for C.EVP_sha

Sp1l commented 7 years ago

This is a duplicate of #43 Nevertheless, SHA-0 is not just phased-out, it should never even have been part of OpenSSL. Anywhere it is used that is in error, you don't want to use a hash that is weaker than MD5.

Simply removing it from the code was sufficient.

zeebo commented 7 years ago

Have you tried on the most recent master? I closed #43 because we have this shim function return null on 1.1:

zeebo commented 7 years ago

Although it does look like a bug was introduced where returning NULL will cause problems. That needs to be fixed, regardless, but I don't believe there is a current build failure.