spacepy / dbprocessing

Automated processing controller for heliophysics data
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runMe does not distinguish between "can't run" and "up to date" #74

Open jtniehof opened 3 years ago

jtniehof commented 3 years ago

runMe has a data member ableToRun that starts out False and, in the runMe constructor, is set to True if the process can run, and it is not up-to-date. It doesn't distinguish between "can't run" and "could run, but it's up to date, so don't bother." This has two problems. One is that with normal ProcessQueue running, the logs can be misleading--it's hard to tell why the file didn't run. The other is that DBRunner basically ignores ableToRun unless using the -u option. This results in it trying to fire off scripts that just plain can't run.

So this probably needs to be updated to ableToRun and needsUpdate or something similar, with nothing running unless ableToRun is True, DBRunner either checking or ignoring needsUpdate based on its needs (-u or not), and ProcessQueue always also needing needsUpdate.

Minimal example to reproduce issue:

This is pretty tough to nail down and a unit test will be part of solving the issue. @balarsen ran into it when trying to use DBRunner when there was no active code for the desired process (active_code was False). That gave the traceback below. It would also potentially manifest in using ProcessQueue and getting the wrong reason for not running a new file.

Error message/Traceback:

When using DBRunner with no active code:

$ ~/dbUtils/ -m ~/PROCESSING_DB/mageis_rbspa_2017.sqlite -s 20130101 -e 20130101 1
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/ectsoc/dbUtils/", line 176, in <module>
  rundir=None if options.ingest else '.')
File "/home/ectsoc/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbprocessing/",
line 163, in runner
  runme.make_command_line(force = force, rundir=rundir)
File "/home/ectsoc/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dbprocessing/",
line 657, in make_command_line
  cmdline = [self.codepath]
AttributeError: 'runMe' object has no attribute 'codepath'

OS, Python version, and dependency version information:

sys.version_info(major=2, minor=7, micro=12, releaselevel='final', serial=0)

Version of dbprocessing

git master (142a4976f66d28d227e95ae6acfc73376adc660f)

Closure condition

Commit merged with tests for distinguishing between unable-to-run and up-to-date, in both ProcessQueue and DBRunner contexts, with the appropriate action and error message defined. And said tests passing.