I am adding some simplifications and clarifying comments. End goal is to speed up the creation of the segmented mirrors in a simulator, see #160.
The script below speeds up from a runtime of 2.43608 sec to 2.31140 sec in the test script below, which is about 5% faster. This is not much but shaves off a couple of minutes on the really large mirrors.
Testing script used for this work:
import os
import time
import hcipy
from pastis.config import CONFIG_PASTIS
from pastis.simulators.scda_telescopes import HexRingAPLC
from pastis import util
optics_input = os.path.join(util.find_repo_location(), 'data', 'SCDA')
sampling = CONFIG_PASTIS.getfloat('HexRingTelescope', 'sampling')
sim = HexRingAPLC(optics_input, NUM_RINGS, sampling)
t1 = time.perf_counter()
n_zernikes = 2
seg_evaluated = sim._create_evaluated_segment_grid()
# Create a single segment influence function with all Zernikes n_zernikes
# This allows us to have an initial mode basis to extend with all the other segments later on
first_seg = 0 # Create this first influence function on the first segment only
local_zernike_basis = hcipy.mode_basis.make_zernike_basis(n_zernikes,
starting_mode=1, radial_cutoff=False)
# For all Zernikes on this first segment, cut them to the actual segment support
for zernike_num in range(0, n_zernikes):
local_zernike_basis._transformation_matrix[:, zernike_num] *= seg_evaluated[first_seg]
# Expand the basis of influence functions from one segment to all segments
for seg_num in range(1, sim.nseg):
local_zernike_basis_tmp = hcipy.mode_basis.make_zernike_basis(n_zernikes,
starting_mode=1, radial_cutoff=False)
# Cut to segment support
for zernike_num in range(0, n_zernikes):
local_zernike_basis_tmp._transformation_matrix[:, zernike_num] *= seg_evaluated[seg_num]
local_zernike_basis.extend(local_zernike_basis_tmp) # extend our basis with this new segment
t2 = time.perf_counter()
# hcipy.write_mode_basis(local_zernike_basis, 'basis.asdf')
print(f'Elapsed time for SM generation: {t2 - t1}')
I am adding some simplifications and clarifying comments. End goal is to speed up the creation of the segmented mirrors in a simulator, see #160.
The script below speeds up from a runtime of 2.43608 sec to 2.31140 sec in the test script below, which is about 5% faster. This is not much but shaves off a couple of minutes on the really large mirrors.
Testing script used for this work: