Because the new STIPS ePSF removes the need to oversample the intermediate detector image, and because the STIPS ePSF code is locked to an internal oversample of 4, there is no longer any way for the STIPS user to adjust oversample. As such, oversample should be removed as a parameter that's looked for, although having it supplied should not cause errors.
Supplying an 'oversample' keyword to any configuration dictionary should prompt a deprecation warning.
Because the new STIPS ePSF removes the need to oversample the intermediate detector image, and because the STIPS ePSF code is locked to an internal oversample of 4, there is no longer any way for the STIPS user to adjust oversample. As such, oversample should be removed as a parameter that's looked for, although having it supplied should not cause errors.
Supplying an 'oversample' keyword to any configuration dictionary should prompt a deprecation warning.