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Advanced git workflow #23

Closed drdavella closed 4 years ago

drdavella commented 6 years ago

I see this topic as distinct from github workflows, although there will probably be some overlap. I think it would be useful to talk about how git can be used locally to aid a development workflow, and some of the more 'advanced' git features that not all users may be aware of, including:

It might also be useful to talk about git integration with shell environments, including plugins that allow for tab completion of git commands and commits.

eteq commented 6 years ago

Might be this is the same as #18? Although maybe these are different topics... (#18 could be more "best practices" and less "learn how to use git")

pllim commented 6 years ago

The auto-completion is pretty sweet. I think @jhunkeler hooked me up with it.

drdavella commented 6 years ago

@pllim cool! I'm actually using zsh and plugins for oh-my-zsh but to each his/her own 😄

larrybradley commented 6 years ago

I also use zsh. I tried oh-my-zsh a long time ago, but found it to be slow and bloated (I didn't need/want most of it). I currently use prezto.

pllim commented 4 years ago

There is in-house training for this. For 2019: