Prepare CALWF3 for the build release. This update incorporates the latest CTE correction developed by Jay Anderson layered on the time-dependent photometry correction which by-passed the CTE and is already part of the pipeline.
Ensure branch is version of code being used by WFC3 team to generate new reference files. DONE
Merge working CTE code with latest version of CALWF3 - resolving any conflicts. DONE
Re-test merged CALWF3 and compare to results from 1. DONE
Setup team with working environment on Linux for their testing and provide docs. DONE
Generate the new truth files for SCSB PyTests. DONE
When WFC3 team is satisfied, tag software as a release candidate. Note this build will also be associated with many new calibration reference files.
Issue HLA-472 was created on JIRA by Michele De La Pena:
Prepare CALWF3 for the build release. This update incorporates the latest CTE correction developed by Jay Anderson layered on the time-dependent photometry correction which by-passed the CTE and is already part of the pipeline.
Ensure branch is version of code being used by WFC3 team to generate new reference files. DONE
Merge working CTE code with latest version of CALWF3 - resolving any conflicts. DONE
Re-test merged CALWF3 and compare to results from 1. DONE
Setup team with working environment on Linux for their testing and provide docs. DONE
Generate the new truth files for SCSB PyTests. DONE
When WFC3 team is satisfied, tag software as a release candidate. Note this build will also be associated with many new calibration reference files.