import astropy.modeling.models as m
import gwcs.coordinate_frames as cf
import astropy.units as u
from gwcs import WCS
# Setup a model where the pixel axes are (lat, wave, lon)
spatial = m.Multiply(10*u.arcsec/u.pix) & m.Multiply(15*u.arcsec/u.pix) # pretend this is a spatial model
compound = m.Linear1D(intercept=0*u.nm, slope=10*u.nm/u.pix) & spatial
forward = m.Mapping((1, 2, 0)) | compound | m.Mapping((2, 0, 1))
# Setup the output frame
celestial_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(axes_order=(0, 2), unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec))
spectral_frame = cf.SpectralFrame(axes_order=(1,), unit=u.nm)
output_frame = cf.CompositeFrame([spectral_frame, celestial_frame])
input_frame = cf.CoordinateFrame(3, ["PIXEL"]*3, axes_order=list(range(3)), unit=[u.pix]*3)
wcs = WCS(forward, input_frame, output_frame)
input_pixel = [0*u.pix]*3
output_world = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(*input_pixel)
output_pixel = wcs.world_to_pixel_values(*output_world)
Here we have a 3D cube where the axes of the array correspond to (lat, wave, lon) in world space.
We setup a model with the wave transform first, and then the spatial transform (ordered (lon, lat)) and then use mappings to make the inputs and outputs match the world & pixel order.
Likewise, we setup the output frame to match the output of the model, where the axes are split [1].
When this code is run, the last line errors with the following output:
Click for full traceback
UnitsError: Linear1D: Units of input 'x', arcsec (angle), could not be converted to required input units of nm (length)
UnitsError Traceback (most recent call last)
File ~/projects/visp_wcs/
21 input_pixel = [0*u.pix]*3
22 output_world = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(*input_pixel)
---> 23 output_pixel = wcs.world_to_pixel_values(*output_world)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gwcs/, in GWCSAPIMixin.world_to_pixel_values(self, *world_arrays)
127 """
128 Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates.
136 horizontal coordinate and ``y`` is the vertical coordinate.
137 """
138 world_arrays = self._add_units_input(world_arrays, self.backward_transform, self.output_frame)
--> 140 result = self.invert(*world_arrays, with_units=False)
142 return self._remove_quantity_output(result, self.input_frame)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gwcs/, in WCS.invert(self, *args, **kwargs)
505 try:
506 # remove iterative inverse-specific keyword arguments:
507 akwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in _ITER_INV_KWARGS}
--> 508 result = self.backward_transform(*args, **akwargs)
509 except (NotImplementedError, KeyError):
510 result = self.numerical_inverse(*args, **kwargs, with_units=with_units)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
1120 # prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel)
1121 evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate(
1122 *args, **kwargs
1123 )
-> 1125 outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1127 # post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel)
1128 return self._post_evaluate(
1129 inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs
1130 )
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._generic_evaluate(self, evaluate, _inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1085 outputs = bbox.evaluate(evaluate, _inputs, fill_value)
1086 else:
-> 1087 outputs = evaluate(_inputs)
1088 return outputs
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._pre_evaluate..evaluate(_inputs)
3307 def evaluate(_inputs):
-> 3308 return self._evaluate(*_inputs, **kwargs)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._evaluate(self, *args, **kw)
3349 elif op == "|":
3350 if isinstance(leftval, tuple):
-> 3351 return self.right(*leftval, **kw)
3352 else:
3353 return self.right(leftval, **kw)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
1120 # prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel)
1121 evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate(
1122 *args, **kwargs
1123 )
-> 1125 outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1127 # post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel)
1128 return self._post_evaluate(
1129 inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs
1130 )
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._generic_evaluate(self, evaluate, _inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1085 outputs = bbox.evaluate(evaluate, _inputs, fill_value)
1086 else:
-> 1087 outputs = evaluate(_inputs)
1088 return outputs
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._pre_evaluate..evaluate(_inputs)
3307 def evaluate(_inputs):
-> 3308 return self._evaluate(*_inputs, **kwargs)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._evaluate(self, *args, **kw)
3334 if op != "fix_inputs":
3335 if op != "&":
-> 3336 leftval = self.left(*args, **kw)
3337 if op != "|":
3338 rightval = self.right(*args, **kw)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
1120 # prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel)
1121 evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate(
1122 *args, **kwargs
1123 )
-> 1125 outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1127 # post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel)
1128 return self._post_evaluate(
1129 inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs
1130 )
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._generic_evaluate(self, evaluate, _inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1085 outputs = bbox.evaluate(evaluate, _inputs, fill_value)
1086 else:
-> 1087 outputs = evaluate(_inputs)
1088 return outputs
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._pre_evaluate..evaluate(_inputs)
3307 def evaluate(_inputs):
-> 3308 return self._evaluate(*_inputs, **kwargs)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._evaluate(self, *args, **kw)
3340 rightval = None
3342 else:
-> 3343 leftval = self.left(*(args[: self.left.n_inputs]), **kw)
3344 rightval = self.right(*(args[self.left.n_inputs :]), **kw)
3346 if op != "|":
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in __call__(self, model_set_axis, with_bounding_box, fill_value, equivalencies, inputs_map, *inputs, **new_inputs)
409 args = ("self",)
410 kwargs = {
411 "model_set_axis": None,
412 "with_bounding_box": False,
415 "inputs_map": None,
416 }
--> 418 new_call = make_function_with_signature(
419 __call__, args, kwargs, varargs="inputs", varkwargs="new_inputs"
420 )
422 # The following makes it look like __call__
423 # was defined in the class
424 update_wrapper(new_call, cls)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in _ModelMeta._handle_special_methods..__call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
393 def __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs):
394 """Evaluate this model on the supplied inputs."""
--> 395 return super(cls, self).__call__(*inputs, **kwargs)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs)
1118 fill_value = kwargs.pop("fill_value", np.nan)
1120 # prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel)
-> 1121 evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate(
1122 *args, **kwargs
1123 )
1125 outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox)
1127 # post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._pre_evaluate(self, *args, **kwargs)
965 """
966 Model specific input setup that needs to occur prior to model evaluation.
967 """
968 # Broadcast inputs into common size
--> 969 inputs, broadcasted_shapes = self.prepare_inputs(*args, **kwargs)
971 # Setup actual model evaluation method
972 parameters = self._param_sets(raw=True, units=True)
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.prepare_inputs(self, model_set_axis, equivalencies, *inputs, **kwargs)
2087 self._validate_input_shapes(inputs, self.inputs, model_set_axis)
2089 inputs_map = kwargs.get("inputs_map", None)
-> 2091 inputs = self._validate_input_units(inputs, equivalencies, inputs_map)
2093 # The input formatting required for single models versus a multiple
2094 # model set are different enough that they've been split into separate
2095 # subroutines
2096 if self._n_models == 1:
File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._validate_input_units(self, inputs, equivalencies, inputs_map)
2161 raise UnitsError(
2162 f"{name}: Units of input '{self.inputs[i]}', "
2163 f"{inputs[i].unit} ({inputs[i].unit.physical_type}),"
2166 "input"
2167 )
2168 else:
-> 2169 raise UnitsError(
2170 f"{name}: Units of input '{self.inputs[i]}', "
2171 f"{inputs[i].unit} ({inputs[i].unit.physical_type}),"
2172 " could not be "
2173 "converted to required input"
2174 f" units of {input_unit} ({input_unit.physical_type})"
2175 )
2176 else:
2177 # If we allow dimensionless input, we add the units to the
2178 # input values without conversion, otherwise we raise an
2179 # exception.
2181 if (
2182 not self.input_units_allow_dimensionless[input_name]
2183 and input_unit is not dimensionless_unscaled
2184 and input_unit is not None
2185 ):
UnitsError: Linear1D: Units of input 'x', arcsec (angle), could not be converted to required input units of nm (length)
[1] Should CelestialFrame always have lon first like the models do, or should it be able to have lon and lat in any order?
As far as I got with investigating this was noticing that CompoundFrame.coordinate_to_quantity uses axes_order to order the inputs which are then passed through to the model.
Take the following setup:
Here we have a 3D cube where the axes of the array correspond to
(lat, wave, lon)
in world space. We setup a model with the wave transform first, and then the spatial transform (ordered (lon, lat)) and then use mappings to make the inputs and outputs match the world & pixel order.Likewise, we setup the output frame to match the output of the model, where the axes are split [1].
When this code is run, the last line errors with the following output:
Click for full traceback ``` UnitsError: Linear1D: Units of input 'x', arcsec (angle), could not be converted to required input units of nm (length) ```
``` --------------------------------------------------------------------------- UnitsError Traceback (most recent call last) File ~/projects/visp_wcs/ 21 input_pixel = [0*u.pix]*3 22 output_world = wcs.pixel_to_world_values(*input_pixel) ---> 23 output_pixel = wcs.world_to_pixel_values(*output_world) File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gwcs/, in GWCSAPIMixin.world_to_pixel_values(self, *world_arrays) 127 """ 128 Convert world coordinates to pixel coordinates. 129 (...) 136 horizontal coordinate and ``y`` is the vertical coordinate. 137 """ 138 world_arrays = self._add_units_input(world_arrays, self.backward_transform, self.output_frame) --> 140 result = self.invert(*world_arrays, with_units=False) 142 return self._remove_quantity_output(result, self.input_frame) File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/gwcs/, in WCS.invert(self, *args, **kwargs) 505 try: 506 # remove iterative inverse-specific keyword arguments: 507 akwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k not in _ITER_INV_KWARGS} --> 508 result = self.backward_transform(*args, **akwargs) 509 except (NotImplementedError, KeyError): 510 result = self.numerical_inverse(*args, **kwargs, with_units=with_units) File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model.__call__(self, *args, **kwargs) 1120 # prepare for model evaluation (overridden in CompoundModel) 1121 evaluate, inputs, broadcasted_shapes, kwargs = self._pre_evaluate( 1122 *args, **kwargs 1123 ) -> 1125 outputs = self._generic_evaluate(evaluate, inputs, fill_value, with_bbox) 1127 # post-process evaluation results (overridden in CompoundModel) 1128 return self._post_evaluate( 1129 inputs, outputs, broadcasted_shapes, with_bbox, **kwargs 1130 ) File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in Model._generic_evaluate(self, evaluate, _inputs, fill_value, with_bbox) 1085 outputs = bbox.evaluate(evaluate, _inputs, fill_value) 1086 else: -> 1087 outputs = evaluate(_inputs) 1088 return outputs File ~/.virtualenvs/visp_wcs/lib/python3.11/site-packages/astropy/modeling/, in CompoundModel._pre_evaluate.[1] Should
always have lon first like the models do, or should it be able to have lon and lat in any order?