spacetelescope / hstaxe

hstaxe is the python and C follow on to the aXe package which was maintained in IRAF for many years.
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IndexError when running axetasks.iolprep #3

Open bkornpob opened 4 years ago

bkornpob commented 4 years ago


Here is the full error report:

IndexError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 15 os.chdir(cwd) 16 os.chdir("SEX") ---> 17 axetasks.iolprep(drizzle_image='DIRECT_drz.fits',input_cat='',dimension_in=dimension_info) 18 19 # This will create ib6o23* ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in iolprep(drizzle_image, input_cat, dimension_in) 68 iol_maker = iolmaking.IOLMaker(drizzle_image, 69 input_cat, ---> 70 dimension_in) 71 72 ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in __init__(self, drizzle_image, input_cat, dim_term) 306 307 # create the list of Input Object Instances --> 308 self._fill_iollist() 309 310 def _set_dimension_info(self, dimension_term): ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in _fill_iollist(self) 361 # create a new IOl instance at the end of the list 362 self.iol_list.append(ProjectionList(drizzle_head[keyname], --> 363 self.dim_info)) 364 365 def _get_niol(self): ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in __init__(self, filename, dim_info) 50 51 # get the information related to the IOL ---> 52 self._set_iol_info() 53 54 # the the dimension of the input image ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in _set_iol_info(self) 62 63 # get the bracket information ---> 64 exte_str = self.filename.split('.fits')[1] 65 66 # get the inside of the brackets IndexError: list index out of range

I checked the error line (i.e., at Line 64: exte_str = self.filename.split('.fits')[1]), and here is the result:

self.filename >>> idco02ptq_flt.f

I noticed that the filename is incorrect. So, I tracked when the self.filename was assigned. It was from Line 47 in

Before Line 47, it was Line 362-363 in calling

self.iol_list.append(ProjectionList(drizzle_head[keyname], self.dim_info))

The input drizzle_head[keyname] is the header of the drz file of direct images that loops over the keyname as (Line 359)

keyname = 'D%03iDATA' % (index)

This simply reads the input images that were supplied in the astrodrizzle to make the drz file. And, I think this is where the name problem (i.e., recall self.filename >>> idco02ptq_flt.f) happened.

drizzle_head[keyname] supposes to return the full path to the file, however astrodrizzle limits the string length. That is why the name was cut to only idco02ptq_flt.f instead of .fits.

I tested this by running astrodrizzle from files with very very very long paths. And, the result was that drizzle_head[keyname] >>> /Users/kbhirombhakdi/_work/___GD153_pyaxe/DIRECT/abcdefghijklmno.

Solution?: since astrodrizzle seems to record drizzle_head[keyname] in the same sequence as the supplied input list, supplying the same input list as another input argument when calling axetasks.iolprep might be work. Instead of constructing self.filename from drizzle_head[keyname], use the input list (e.g., F140W.lis from the cookbook example).

bkornpob commented 4 years ago

Another solution?: When supplying list of files during the astrodrizzle, shorten the file paths by using relative paths. This would be similar to the cookbook example.

New problem: Here is the full error report

KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)

in 3 os.chdir(cwd) 4 os.chdir("DIRECT") ----> 5 axetasks.iolprep(drizzle_image='DIRECT_drz.fits',input_cat='../SEX/',dimension_in=dimension_info) 6 7 get_ipython().system('ls *.cat') ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in iolprep(drizzle_image, input_cat, dimension_in) 68 iol_maker = iolmaking.IOLMaker(drizzle_image, 69 input_cat, ---> 70 dimension_in) 71 72 ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in __init__(self, drizzle_image, input_cat, dim_term) 307 308 # create the list of Input Object Instances --> 309 self._fill_iollist() 310 311 def _set_dimension_info(self, dimension_term): ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in _fill_iollist(self) 362 # create a new IOl instance at the end of the list 363 self.iol_list.append(ProjectionList(drizzle_head[keyname], --> 364 self.dim_info)) 365 366 def _get_niol(self): ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in __init__(self, filename, dim_info) 53 54 # the the dimension of the input image ---> 55 self._set_indims() 56 57 # compute the dimension information ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/pyaxe/axesrc/ in _set_indims(self) 99 100 in_img =['fits'], 'readonly') --> 101 in_head = in_img[self.iol_info['ext_nam'], self.iol_info['ext_ver']].header 102 103 # extract the keywords for the image size from ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/ in __getitem__(self, key) 305 try: 306 return self._try_while_unread_hdus(super().__getitem__, --> 307 self._positive_index_of(key)) 308 except IndexError as e: 309 # Raise a more helpful IndexError if the file was not fully read. ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/ in _positive_index_of(self, key) 759 """ 760 --> 761 index = self.index_of(key) 762 763 if index >= 0: ~/anaconda3/envs/pyaxe/lib/python3.7/site-packages/astropy/io/fits/hdu/ in index_of(self, key) 740 741 if (found is None): --> 742 raise KeyError(f'Extension {key!r} not found.') 743 else: 744 return found KeyError: "Extension ('ts[sci', 1) not found."