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JWST Data Analysis Tools Notebooks
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Science Review for PSF Photometry Notebook #20

Open Vb2341 opened 3 years ago

Vb2341 commented 3 years ago

Ugh, Ignore the previous post (accidentally pressed Enter and github has no real delete function). I originally sent these comments to Matteo on slack, and he said the typical review process involves opening a ticket on github, which I assume meant issue. Since I originally sent everything on Slack, it's not particularly well formatted, but here are my comments:

-I think another useful thing to show may be the outputs of the PSF fitting, as in the catalogs before they go into the CMD's, just so users know what information is available. Comparing fits to groups containing multiple stars vs a single star, or even just commenting on the behavior there could be useful. -Also showing what the uncertainties look like as a function of flux, and even position (since a single PSF is being used across the field), would be interesting, if only to show as a comparison to gridded model performance -Showing the subtracted images are nice to show fit quality, but quantifying it with a single number may be good too. With Jay's PSF photometry/methods, we have a q parameter, which is computed as abs(Fit - data)/ (fit flux). Kind of shows how far "off" the data was from the model. This might not be the easiest to implement though.

-The last science related comment I have would be to also give some comment about the astrometric information that comes out of the fits. The benefits of the PSF fitting are often great when looking for accurate positions, and typically better than DAOFind type routines in my experience. A potential way to show this could be to plot the separations between the fit positions of the same stars in the two bands vs mag, to get some idea of astrometric precision. I think that will be very interesting to those looking to measure proper motions/detect microlensing etc.

-Last thing: for readability, putting a lot of the stuff that gets ran twice in a cell into a function could be nice. For instance the detection of stars, the fitting, and the matching of the stars can likely be condensed into functions, and just have lines later that call them. This is also nice because users can copy/paste the relevant functions right out for their own analyses.