Right now the MOSViz data viewers (i.e. everything except the table) move independently from one another. To meat the typical science needs the viewers should be tied together in a way that makes sense for a multi-object spectrum dataset. Specifically:
[x] The 2d spectrum viewer (currently upper right) should have its x-axis permanently tied to the 1d spectrum viewer (currently middle-right). These should always be aligned when either is panned around. (see also #239 about hiding the 2d viewer's axis labels)
[ ] The image viewer (currently upper left) should have its "y-axis" aligned to the 2d spectrum. For "y-axis" to make sense in this context, the image viewer should be rotated such that the slit is straight up-and-down (which is not necessarily the native alignment of the image).
[ ] The image viewer (currently upper left) should have an optional status of being un-aligned, probably best implemented as a checkbox somewhere in the UI. This would then allow the user to pan around and examine the context of the slit. If they re-check it, it should pop into the view aligned with the relevant slit again.
Right now the MOSViz data viewers (i.e. everything except the table) move independently from one another. To meat the typical science needs the viewers should be tied together in a way that makes sense for a multi-object spectrum dataset. Specifically: