Closed stscijgbot closed 5 years ago
Comment by Howard Bushouse: Data files have been copied to /grp/jwst/ssb/chartreuse/dms_bugs/jwstdms-23/
Comment by Jane Morrison: Cdelt1 and cdelt2 = 1.0 for this data. resample_util is calling assign_wcs.util.wcs_from_footprints which uses these values to define the footprint of the resampled image. When I change the cdelt1 and cdelt2 to something reasonable for a MIRI Image resample runs with out errors. EXP_TYPE was set correctly for this data to MIR_IMAGE So now the question is why is CDELT1, CDELT2 = 1 in the rate files ? - continuing to research this.
We should fix wcs_from_footprints()
to compute CDELTn from the GWCS object, not rely on the FITS keywords. In the case of spectral data, these CDELTn keywords no longer exist anyway, though I don't believe we are using wcs_from_footprints()
for spectral data at the moment.
The problem is with the data and not the pipeline. The EXP_TYPE for both files is MIR_IMAGE, but the APERNAME and PPS_APER is MIRIFU_CHANNEL1A. The incorrect APERNAME is causing the wrong data in the siaf file to be used resulting in CDELT1,2 being set to 1.0
Comment by Jane Morrison: The two files (jw00623029001_03102_00002_mirimage_rate.fits jw00623030001_03102_00001_mirimage_rate.fits) have inconsistent EXP_TYPE and APERNAME
the EXP_TYPE for both files is MIR_IMAGE the APERNAME and PPS_APER for both files is MIRIFU_CHANNEL1A
the incorrect APERNAME likely the cause of CDELT1 and CDELT2 to be incorrectly set with values of 1.
Comment by Jane Morrison: The problem is with the data not the pipeline
Issue JP-781 was created by Howard Bushouse:
JWSTDMS-23 reports that one or more MIRI images are failing in the resample step of calwebb_image2 with: {noformat} File "/dms/local/jwst/pipeline/pkgs/miniconda3/envs/jwstdp-cal-env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/jwst-0.13.3-py3.6.egg/jwst/resample/", line 53, in make_output_wcs "{}".format(output_wcs.data_size)) ValueError: Invalid output frame shape: (0, 0){noformat} The ticket points to example file locations.