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skymatch would be improved by offering an option to input a sky region #5262

Open stscijgbot-jp opened 4 years ago

stscijgbot-jp commented 4 years ago

Issue JP-1649 was created on JIRA by Paul Goudfrooij:

I noticed during my testing of the skymatch step within the Image3 Pipeline that it does not allow users the option to input a region on the sky for doing the sky level matching. This option is important when dealing with targets with variable background levels, say targets in star forming regions or fields with extended background galaxies.

When I ran skymatch on simulated dithered fields with variable background, its relative background matching results (among the individual dithered images) were significantly off, leading to incorrect photometry. This issue would be avoided by offering the option of doing the sky level matching in a given region on the sky.

Note that I only mentioned a priority for NIRISS in the "INS Team Priority" flag, since I did the testing for NIRISS, but this really is an issue for all instruments with imaging modes.

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Paul Goudfrooij on JIRA:

One way to implement the proposed option would be to let the user input a rectangular subarray of the first (reference) individual dithered image, then let the script translate that to a region in (RA, DEC) space using the WCS, then translate the latter into pixel subarrays of the other individual dithered images where the sky level is to be measured. (Rounding to integer pixels will be OK in the latter step, though interpolating using fractional edge pixels would be preferred.)

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Misty Cracraft on JIRA:

There have been several questions about matching and background subtraction lately, so maybe this does warrant another discussion in the calwg. The current usage of this step is to find common background levels for matching between images in a mosiac, so it looks at the overlap region between individual images. So far as I understand, this is not about completely removing the true background of a single image, only to find what levels to subtract from multiple images to get them to match up in a mosaic using the automatic pipeline. The discussions have so far focused on what is needed to run in the automatic pipeline, not the full amount of parameters someone might want to run in an 'off-line' version.

Anton Koekemoer Do we need to set up a Calwg discussion to talk about all the background questions that have come up recently?


stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Anton Koekemoer on JIRA:

Just noting that general discussion relevant to background subtraction questions took place in JWST Cal WG meeting 2020-08-25

I'd be happy to discuss this specific ticket further in a subsequent Cal WG meeting, if necessary.


stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Anton Koekemoer on JIRA:

Added this particular ticket to the items for discussion at JWST Cal WG meeting 2020-09-29

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Anton Koekemoer on JIRA:

This item was discussed at JWST Cal WG meeting 2020-09-29; setting the "calwg" priority label accordingly.

The following questions came up, which would be useful to have answers to in order for us to proceed, if Paul Goudfrooij can provide further clarification please:

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Paul Goudfrooij on JIRA:

Hi there, 

the reason why I issued the ticket is that at least at that time, skymatch did not return correct relative sky levels for the different dithers. The simulated images all had the same sky level, but skymatch returned different sky levels for the different dithers.  While when I ran iterative statistics on a specific region of the sky in the different dithers, I did get the same sky levels. If this is a bug in the sense that the algorithm should actually determine sky levels from the same sky regions (rather than the full footprints of the individual dithers), then yes it should be treated as a bug.

However, my thought was that perhaps, the default option of skymatch is to do the statistics on the full footprints of the individual dithers, in which case I was arguing that there should at least be an option to do the sky match on a specific, user-supplied region on the sky.

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 year ago

Comment by Anton Koekemoer on JIRA:

thanks for the clarification! As far as I understand it, at least if it follows the astrodrizzle approach, the implementation of skymatch uses overlapping footprints between pairs of images (starting with, eg, the pair with the largest overlap, then working down from there), and would match them based on the statistics in that overlapping footprint.

There might however still possibly be a bug even with that implementation (or the implementation might not be quite as described).

Maybe as a next step (since the pipeline has had many improvements recently), would you mind just trying your test again please, seeing how skymatch performs with the current version of the pipeline, and let us know here whether you think there might still be an issue or whether you think it looks like it's now resolved?

stscijgbot-jp commented 5 months ago

Comment by David Law on JIRA:

Paul Goudfrooij Just following up to see whether you think this is still relevant?

stscijgbot-jp commented 5 months ago

Comment by Paul Goudfrooij on JIRA:

Hi David Law - thanks for the prompt, I will look at this again after the HST deadline.

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 months ago

Comment by Paul Goudfrooij on JIRA:

I have now tried running skymatch with method = 'local', 'match', and 'global+match'. In most cases, it works very well. However, there is one dataset where I cannot get the sky levels to match without leaving residual sky level offsets between the different tiles/dithers, even when playing with parameters clip, lower, upper, lsigma, and usigma. I would strongly recommend introducing an option to let users input their own sky levels for each input image. That could be through a header keyword (say 'SKY_USER') in the input images, or by inputting the sky levels in a list file similar to that already used in the 'use_custom_catalogs' and 'catfile' options of tweakreg.

EDIT: I just tried an alternative method for this problematic dataset, namely to first do an off-line sky level adjustment to get all input images at the same "real" background level, followed by setting skymatch.skip = True in the call to Image3Pipeline. That worked much better than anything I tried with the current optional parameters for skymatch, so there is a workaround to address this issue, albeit one that requires more work for the user.