Closed hbushouse closed 7 years ago
Additional features cube_build needs:
[x] Create a cube build default parameter reference files that contain the default information necessary to build IFUcube for each band. Add these files to CRDS and read them in cube_build. A separate reference file is needed for MIRI and NIRSPEC. This was added with PR #876
[x] For MIRI create a resolution reference files that holds information on the psf and lsf for each MIRI band. Add this reference file to CRDS and read this file in cube_build. This was added with PR #876
[x] The default IFUCubes created from an association are per band. If an association or datamodel contains several bands (which will always be true for MIRI data) then in cube_build loop over each band and create a IFUcube for that band. However, keep input options in cube_build to override this and create IFUCube comprised of several bands. This was add with PR #1239
[x] Create 'single' IFU cubes to support skymatching and outlier detection. These types of IFU cubes are single exposure, single band cubes mapped to a common output cube. The WCS of this common output is built from several dithered files of the same band. This was added with PR #1039, #990, #957
[x] Add the ability to "blot" an IFUcube image back to the detector space to support outlier detection. First a set of "single" IFU cubes are built from a common WCS . Each "single" IFU cube is created from a single exposure, single band. The outlier detection step takes the set of single IFUcube and creates a median image (possibility also sigma clipped). This median image and the original images (which are the output from calspec2) are the input to ''. Each original image is "blotted" (mapped from the common IFU cube space to the detector space). For MIRI the blotting is done 1 channel at a time and it is left to the outlier rejection tool to stick the two blotted channels together on the detector. This was added in PR #1085
[x] After sky match has been run the information about the background sky is written to the header. The cube_build code needs to read this information and apply a correction to the data. This was added in PR #1239
[ ] Update all the documentation
[x] Add the units of the SCI and ERR extensions of the IFUCube in bunit_data and bunit_err
Closed, at least for B7.1 work, by many PR's, including #557 #565 #571 #939 #1085 and #1239.
All remaining aspects of the cube_build step necessary for processing NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS data must be completed. This includes the application to single exposures in the calwebb_spec2 pipeline and to multiple exposures in the calwebb_spec3 pipeline.
This is a carryover of Trac 360:
Issues for build 7.2 were pulled out and put into issue #1350