The NIRISS team has requested a name change for the DQ flag associated with the "undersampling_correction" step (which is now being renamed to the "charge_migration" step). The existing DQ flag name is "UNDERSAMP", which will be changed to "CHARGELOSS". After the updates for JP-3299 ("Enhancements for the undersampling_correction step"; PR 7440) have been merged, updates in this PR (JP-3338) for files in the stdatamodels repo will be implemented. This will be done in conjunction with the analogous JWST repo ticket : JP-3337 "Change step name undersampling_correction in JWST repo".
Issue JP-3338 was created on JIRA by David Grumm:
The NIRISS team has requested a name change for the DQ flag associated with the "undersampling_correction" step (which is now being renamed to the "charge_migration" step). The existing DQ flag name is "UNDERSAMP", which will be changed to "CHARGELOSS". After the updates for JP-3299 ("Enhancements for the undersampling_correction step"; PR 7440) have been merged, updates in this PR (JP-3338) for files in the stdatamodels repo will be implemented. This will be done in conjunction with the analogous JWST repo ticket : JP-3337 "Change step name undersampling_correction in JWST repo".