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Update refpix step for NIR detectors to use convolution kernel #8482

Open stscijgbot-jp opened 4 months ago

stscijgbot-jp commented 4 months ago

Issue JP-3622 was created on JIRA by David Law:

As part of an ongoing multi-instrument discussion of ways in which to improve 1/f noise in NIR data (see]) there was general agreement on a desired improvement to the refpix step which should allow reference pixels to mitigate 1/f noise as much as possible without the need for using science pixels.  In brief, instead of the side-reference pixel subtraction using a simple median smoothed signal as a function of row, it should instead use an optimized convolution kernel to do the smoothing prior to subtraction.  Algorithm and example implementation provided by Timothy Brandt (in collaboration with Bernie Rauscher).

The impact of this change on rate files is quite modest, improving the total noise by a few percent.  Likewise, there is not a large impact on the visible residual 1/f striping.  Nonetheless, this change allows us to maximize the gains that can be realized without science-specific solutions.


A notebook is attached that demonstrates the use of this approach in a custom post-hook step appended to the refpix step (passing in the kernels for convenience as global variables- these would come from reference files instead).

This ticket will require multiple steps to implement: defining a new CRDS reference file format, implementing the necessary code changes, creating and delivering the new reference files for each NIR instrument, and potentially updating parameter reference files.

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by David Law on JIRA:

Just adding a note that, since this change would involve creation of new reference files, it's probably too late to work this with a target build of 11.1.  We'd perhaps be looking more at 11.2 instead.

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

The attached notebook uses a file containing the Fourier coefficients, can that file please be attached here as well?

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

I am assuming all instruments can/will provide their coefficients in the same format, is this correct? 

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by Timothy Brandt on JIRA:

I have attached the reference file provided by Bernie Rauscher.  I believe that all H2RG detectors can/will provide coefficients in the same format.

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

Reference file question:

Please check if the following structure woks for reference file (sample file [^nrc_conv_kernel.asdf]). Example for a NIRCam ASDF tree: root (AsdfObject) ├─nrca1 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrca2 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrca3 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrca4 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrcb1 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrcb2 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 ├─nrcb3 (dict) │ ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 │ └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64 └─nrcb4 (dict)   ├─gamma (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64   └─zeta (ndarray): shape=(4, 1025), dtype=complex64

stscijgbot-jp commented 2 weeks ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

another question, is the convolution only to be applied for full frame data?

stscijgbot-jp commented 2 weeks ago

Comment by Timothy Brandt on JIRA:

Maria Pena-Guerrero: that is correct; this is only to be applied to full frame data.

stscijgbot-jp commented 1 week ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

David Law we need a response regarding the format of the reference file for all the instruments. Please see comment 22/Aug/24 10:06 AM


The branch of the datamodels repo is:


The branch of the jwst repo is:



Please go ahead and test the code. Try the following:

pip install git+[]

pip install git+ conv_kernel_model


stscijgbot-jp commented 5 days ago

Comment by Maria Pena-Guerrero on JIRA:

David Law we are pushing this ticket to the next build since there is still quite a bit of testing and coordination required between the jwst, stdatamodels, and CRDS for the changes in this ticket to take effect, especially since the changes are to be applied by default.

stscijgbot-jp commented 3 days ago

Comment by David Law on JIRA:

Maria Pena-Guerrero Agreed, this will need to be dealt with early in a build to get the CRDS changes in place.  Will look back at this once 11.1 is done.