I have started using your poppy library, mainly for the implementation of the Zernike polynomials that you have included in the library. In particular, you have written an orthonormalisation process to obtain a basis on an hexagonal aperture, which is super useful! But I think it would be even better to have something for an arbitrary aperture. I recently needed to have Zernikes on a circular aperture with central obscuration, so I implemented a new arbitrary_basis() method (see code below). Please feel free if you think it's a useful addition to the library.
def arbitrary_basis(aperture, nterms=15, rho=None, theta=None):
Return a cube of Zernike terms from 1 to N, calculated on an
arbitrary aperture, each as a 2D array showing the value at each
point. (Regions outside the unit circle on which the Zernike is
defined are initialized to zero.)
aperture : array_like
2D binary array representing the arbitrary aperture
nterms : int, optional
Number of Zernike terms to return, starting from piston.
(e.g. ``nterms=1`` would return only the Zernike piston term.)
Default is 15.
rho, theta : array_like, optional
Image plane coordinates. `rho` should be 0 at the origin
and 1.0 at the edge of the pupil. `theta` should be
the angle in radians.
shape = aperture.shape
npix = shape[0]
A = aperture.sum()
# precompute zernikes
Z = np.zeros((nterms + 1,) + shape)
Z[1:] = zernike_basis(nterms=nterms, npix=npix, rho=rho, theta=theta, outside=0.0)
G = [np.zeros(shape), np.ones(shape)] # array of G_i etc. intermediate fn
H = [np.zeros(shape), np.ones(shape) * aperture] # array of hexikes
c = {} # coefficients hash
for j in np.arange(nterms - 1) + 1: # can do one less since we already have the piston term
_log.debug(" j = " + str(j))
# Compute the j'th G, then H
nextG = Z[j + 1] * aperture
for k in np.arange(j) + 1:
c[(j + 1, k)] = -1 / A * (Z[j + 1] * H[k] * aperture).sum()
if c[(j + 1, k)] != 0:
nextG += c[(j + 1, k)] * H[k]
_log.debug(" c[%s] = %f", str((j + 1, k)), c[(j + 1, k)])
nextH = nextG / np.sqrt((nextG ** 2).sum() / A)
#TODO - contemplate whether the above algorithm is numerically stable
# cf. modified gram-schmidt algorithm discussion on wikipedia.
# drop the 0th null element, return the rest
return H[1:]
Issue by mperrin Tuesday May 24, 2016 at 13:55 GMT Originally opened as https://github.com/mperrin/poppy/issues/166
From Arthur Vigan at LAM: