spacetelescope / romancal

Python library to process science observations from the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope
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Context images have incorrect dimensions #1264

Open stscijgbot-rstdms opened 1 month ago

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 1 month ago

Issue RCAL-855 was created on JIRA by David Davis:

When running data though the roman_mos pipeline the context images seem to have the wrong dimensionality.


 ├─data (Quantity): shape=(9191, 8642), dtype=float32 # Science Data (MJy / steradian)
  ├─context (NDArrayType): shape=(2, 9191, 8642), dtype=uint32 # Context Data
  ├─err (Quantity): shape=(9191, 8642), dtype=float32 # Error Data (MJy / steradian)```
The input asn has eight exposures (WFI01 & WFI02) with three exposures each and detectors WFI10 and WFI11 to make the full 8.

 The number of “planes” is equal to {{(number of input images - 1) // 32 + 1 or,
(8 - 1) // 32 + 1.
`For this case but I'm seeing shape=(2,... planes`

The uncal input data is at ██████████████████████████████

The input asn file is attached below.