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APCORR, ABVEGAOFFSET, and EPSF Reference File Schema Creation #1403

Open stscijgbot-rstdms opened 1 month ago

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 1 month ago

Issue RCAL-905 was created on JIRA by William Schultz:

RAD schemas need to be created for the APCORR, ABVEGAOFFSET, and EPSF reference files. Examples of the files can be found on central storage in: █████████████████████████████████

 Detailed schema titles and descriptions will be added to this ticket next week.

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by William Schultz on JIRA:

EPSF example schema (mainly for titles and descriptions):

meta:     instrument:         optical_element:             type: string             title: Optical Element             description: Name of the selected optical element.         required: [optical_element]     oversample:         type: integer         title: Oversampling Factor         description: Factor by which the WFI pixels have been oversampled              to generate the PSF.     effective_temperature:         type: array         title: Effective Temperature         description: Effective temperature (K) of the simulated source(s)              used to generate the PSF model.         items:             type: integer     defocus:         type: array         title: Defocus Waves         description: Number of defocus waves applied to the PSF.         items:             type: integer     pixel_x:         type: array         title: X Position         description: X-axis position of the PSF models. The order of the              positions corresponds to the order of the PSFs in the psf array.         items:             type: float     pixel_y:         type: array         title: Y Position         description: Y-axis position of the PSF models. The order of the              positions corresponds to the order of the PSFs in the psf array.         items:             type: float     required: [instrument, pixel_x, pixel_y] psf:     type: array     dtype: float32     dimensions: 4     title: ePSF Stamps     description: Postage stamps of ePSF models. The 3-dimensional array is          ordered by (defocus, effective_temperature, pixel_x, pixel_y)          in the file metadata. extended_psf:     type: array     dtype: float32     dimensions: 2     title: Extended ePSF Stamp     description: Postage stamp of a bright ePSF model with extended wings.          If present, a single, in-focus, monochromatic ePSF is generated at          the center of the detector. required: [meta, psf]

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by William Schultz on JIRA:

APCORR example schema (mainly for titles and descriptions):

meta:     instrument:         detector:             type: string             title: Detector Name             description: Name of the detector for which the file is valid.         required: [detector]     required: [instrument] data:     DARK:         ap_corrections:             type: array             title: Aperture Corrections             description: The aperture correction for each enclosed energy                  fraction. The indexing matches that of "ee_fractions".             items:                 type: float64         ee_fractions:             type: array             title: Enclosed Energy Fractions             description: Fractions of the enclosed energy of the PSF at which                 to estimate the aperture correction and enclosed energy radii.             items:                 dtype: float64         ee_radii:             type: array             title: Enclosed Energy Radii              description: Radius, in pixels, within which the enclosed energy                  fractions are met. The indexing matches that of                  "ee_fractions".             items:                 dtype: float64         sky_background_rin:             type: float64             title: Inner Radius for the Sky Background              description: Inner radius, in pixels, to use when estimating the                  local sky background within an annulus between this                  radius and "sky_background_rout".             items:                 dtype: float64         sky_background_rout:             type: float64             title: Outer Radius for the Sky Background             description: Outer radius, in pixels, to use when estimating the                  local sky background within an annulus between this                  radius and "sky_background_rin".             items:                 dtype: float64         required: [ap_corrections, ee_fractions, ee_radii, sky_background_rin,             sky_background_rout]     (repeated for all required properties)     required: [DARK, F062, F087, F106, F129, F146, F158, F184, F213, GRISM,          PRISM] required: [meta, data]

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by William Schultz on JIRA:

ABVEGAOFFSET example schema (mainly for titles and descriptions):

meta:     instrument:         detector:             type: string             title: Detector Name             description: Name of the detector for which the file is valid.         required: [detector]     required: [instrument] data:     DARK:         abvega_offset:             type: float64             title: AB-Vega Magntiude Offset             description: Magnitude difference between the AB and Vega magnitude                 systems. Found by calculating the AB magnitude of Vega within                  the optical element bandpass.         required: [abvega_offset]     (repeated for all required properties)     required: [DARK, F062, F087, F106, F129, F146, F158, F184, F213, GRISM, PRISM] required: [meta, data]

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 3 weeks ago

Comment by Paul Huwe on JIRA:

The schemas are available here: spacetelescope/rad#452

Datamodels are near completion. 

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 2 weeks ago

Comment by Paul Huwe on JIRA:

Are oversample and effective_temperature supposed to be integers? (It feels like they should be floats.) 

stscijgbot-rstdms commented 2 weeks ago

Comment by Paul Huwe on JIRA:

Datamodels implemented at: spacetelescope/roman_datamodels#393


stscijgbot-rstdms commented 3 days ago

Comment by William Schultz on JIRA:

In checking the implemented APCORR and ABVEGAOFFSET schema, I noticed that we cannot currently set the values to None (null). This would be very helpful as the dark, grism, and prism do not have cleanly defined values for these reference files.

Would it be possible to add "null" as a valid option for the values in these two reference files? Sorry for not catching this mistake in the original PR!