spacetelescope / stsci.stimage

STScI image processing.
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reserved identifier violation #24

Open elfring opened 1 year ago

elfring commented 1 year ago

I would like to point out that identifiers like “_STIMAGE_ERROR_H_” and “__STIMAGE_WRAP_UTIL_H__do eventually not fit to the expected naming convention of the C++ language standard. Would you like to adjust your selection for unique names?

mcara commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the delayed response, yes, go ahead.

elfring commented 3 weeks ago

:thought_balloon: Would you become interested to use a development tool like “clang-tidy” for corresponding source code adjustments?

mcara commented 3 weeks ago

💭 Would you become interested to use a development tool like “clang-tidy” for corresponding source code adjustments?

No. Not at this moment. At a later time we will refactor C code but at this moment, if you with to fix the two identifiers that you mentioned - go ahead.