When computing countrates in stsynphot, an error is returned if there are any NaNs in the input spectrum. See the code snippet below; if I don't replace the NaNs in the input spectrum, then I get this error pointing to the last line of code below:
SynphotError: Integrated flux is NaN
It would be nice for the documentation to mention that this will happen if the input spectrum contains NaNs. Real spectra often do. :)
Hello! I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Are the doc updates at spacetelescope/synphot_refactor#319 to your satisfaction? Please leave your review there.
When computing countrates in stsynphot, an error is returned if there are any NaNs in the input spectrum. See the code snippet below; if I don't replace the NaNs in the input spectrum, then I get this error pointing to the last line of code below:
SynphotError: Integrated flux is NaN
It would be nice for the documentation to mention that this will happen if the input spectrum contains NaNs. Real spectra often do. :)
EDIT: Formatting