I have pycalculix @1.1.2, cgx @2.14.1, ccx @2.14 and gmsh @4.0.4_1 installed on mac os 10.12.6. The example file 'hole-in-plate-quarter.py' gives the following errors from the results_file.py when reading the frd file
Solving done!
Using Calculix ccx version=2.14 (trailing characters like the p in 2.8p are omitted)
Loading nodal results from file: hole-in-plate-quarter.frd
Reading displ storing: ux,uy,uz,utot
Reading stress storing: Sx,Sy,Sz,Sxy,Syz,Szx,Seqv,S1,S2,S3
Reading strain storing: ex,ey,ez,exy,eyz,ezx,eeqv,e1,e2,e3
Reading force storing: fx,fy,fz
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "hole-in-plate-quarter.py", line 67, in
File "/Users/marbre/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages/pycalculix/problem.py", line 285, in solve
File "/Users/marbre/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages/pycalculix/results_file.py", line 97, in load
self.read_frd() # read nodal results
File "/Users/marbre/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages/pycalculix/results_file.py", line 1150, in read_frd
arr = self.modearr_nresults(infile)
File "/Users/marbre/Library/Python/3.6/lib/python/site-packages/pycalculix/results_file.py", line 1022, in modearr_nresults
mode = mode_by_name[name]
KeyError: 'ERROR'``
I have pycalculix @1.1.2, cgx @2.14.1, ccx @2.14 and gmsh @4.0.4_1 installed on mac os 10.12.6. The example file 'hole-in-plate-quarter.py' gives the following errors from the results_file.py when reading the frd file hole-in-plate-quarter.frd.txt
done! Using Calculix ccx version=2.14 (trailing characters like the p in 2.8p are omitted) Loading nodal results from file: hole-in-plate-quarter.frd Reading displ storing: ux,uy,uz,utot Reading stress storing: Sx,Sy,Sz,Sxy,Syz,Szx,Seqv,S1,S2,S3 Reading strain storing: ex,ey,ez,exy,eyz,ezx,eeqv,e1,e2,e3 Reading force storing: fx,fy,fz Traceback (most recent call last): File "hole-in-plate-quarter.py", line 67, in