spadefoot / kohana-orm-leap

An ORM module for the Kohana PHP framework that is designed to work with all major databases.
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Memory problems again ... #87

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Hey Guys, i think memory management should be refactored again... if i am unsetting a DB_ORM_MODEL with unset() method or =NULL then the memory is not given free... i think __desctruct() have to be implemented on every object which have nested objects...

i am importing a 26MB file and have to create ove 50.000 ORM Models to save the complete file to my database. this fails because i get an memory error, max allowed size exhausted etc. i optimized my code to unset every object if it is not needed anymore, but php gives the memory not free... could you please refactor this?

ghost commented 11 years ago

heres an example code... if you execute this you can see in task manager how the memory is appended and appended and appended.... unset has no result. i tried to extend various classes with a destruct method, but at this moment i could not get a working result which cleans up the memory ....

edit:: if the ->save() lines are commented out, everything works fine! therefore it has something to do with the save process...

 for ($i = 0; $i < 500; $i++) {
            $test = new Model_Leap_Model1();
            $test->M1_KEY = -1;
            $test->ITEM_KEY = $i;


            for ($j = 500; $j < 1000; $j++) {
                $test2 = new Model_Leap_Model2();
                $test2->M2_KEY = -1;
                $test2->ITEM_KEY = $i+$j;


                for ($k = 1000; $k < 1500; $k++) {
                    $test3 = new Model_Leap_Model3();
                    $test3->M3_KEY = -1;
                    $test3->ITEM_KEY = $i+$j+$k;

bluesnowman commented 11 years ago

I believe unset does not actually destroy the object, but rather marks it for garbage collections. PHP does have a way to force garbage collection using gc_collect_cycles(). See the following links for more information on garbage collection in PHP:

bluesnowman commented 11 years ago

@viperneo It looks like the problem might be caused by some circular references that are not getting freed properly. Short term solution: add some code to free them properly. Long-term solution: eliminate all circular references. Although I will look into finding a solution, if you have any immediate solutions I am totally open to implementing them.

bluesnowman commented 11 years ago

@viperneo Here is a good article that explains why your __destruct() did not work:

Try calling __destruct() explicitly before calling unset() as the article in my last post suggests, and also try calling gc_collect_cycles(). If this works for you, please let me know (and if you don't mind post your solution) and I will add it to the documentation until we can find a more permanent solution. I have some ideas on how to reduce some of these circular references so I am going to play with some of them over the next few days and see what I can come up with.

ghost commented 11 years ago

i will give the gc_collect_cycles method a try...

in the meantime i added this function to the Core_Object:

public function __destruct() {
    foreach (get_object_vars($this) as $obj) {

private function destroy_var(&$obj) {

    if (is_object($obj)) {
        $obj = null;
    else if (is_array($obj)) {
        foreach ($obj as $o) {
    else {
        $obj = null;

but that has no effect... if i have results, i will let you know!

ghost commented 11 years ago

so far gc_collect_cycles has no effect too. memory usage is still increasing.

bluesnowman commented 11 years ago

@viperneo I added some additional methods to help manage resources on the 3.3/develop branch that you may want to try playing around with.

Try calling the dispose() method after saving and before you unset. Like so:

$test = new Model_Leap_Model1();
$test->M1_KEY = -1;
$test->ITEM_KEY = $i;
ghost commented 11 years ago

i have tested it... the memory usage is now a little bit better, but the execution time is doubled.

bluesnowman commented 11 years ago

@viperneo Did you try calling $test->dispose(FALSE); to see if performance improved?

ghost commented 11 years ago

with dispose FALSE the performance improves, but big memory leaks again. i have implemented now a database abstraction layer at my own and do not using leap any more.

import of my big 26MB file now takes 1 minute with a consistent memory usage of max. 8MB