spalladino / hardhat-noir

An unofficial Hardhat plugin for working with circuits written in Noir
MIT License
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Plugin is unusable :( #2

Open ly0va opened 1 year ago

ly0va commented 1 year ago

The plugin looks really cool, but I tried to use it, and here are a bunch of things I noticed

Please let me know if you plan to fix this yourself or want any help. Thanks!

spalladino commented 1 year ago

Hey @ly0va, unfortunately the plugin has not aged well, and Noir is moving pretty fast at the moment. The recommended way to work with Hardhat via the noir-starter template that the Noir team has put together.

I'll mark the plugin as deprecated for now, though it may get picked up again in the future. Or, if you prefer to take a stab at updating it to the latest Noir yourself, go for it!