spalt / EO1

Replacement for Electric Objects on-device Android app
22 stars 8 forks source link

Device Webpage #22

Open chrisdrackett opened 3 weeks ago

chrisdrackett commented 3 weeks ago

Not 100% sure how feasible this is, but I currently have an android phone that I use exclusively for interacting with the app. I'm curious if basically the same functionality could be achieved by having the device host essentially the same thing as a website. This way you could just navigate to the devices's IP and set an image or change settings.

MorgsKiWi commented 2 weeks ago

This is definitely doable but I don't have the skills to do it currently. I've had a look around the code and made a couple of minor changes, it would take me some time though to do as you describe. But everything required is there, just need someone to look into doing it.

sangh commented 2 weeks ago

Unless someone commits to doing a bunch of work this isn't going to happen. It should be way easier, though, for someone to extend the text interface on the open socket (netcat to port 12345) to include whatever is missing. Out of curiosity, what is missing from the text interface (that the app can do)?

chrisdrackett commented 1 week ago

I didn't even know there was a text interface, is that documented somewhere?

MorgsKiWi commented 1 week ago

Out of curiosity, what is missing from the text interface (that the app can do)? I'm assuming maybe the option to either send one image to the frame or send a URL, which you could do from the EO website (not through the app).

I didn't even know there was a text interface, is that documented somewhere? Possibly referring to the interface spalt has built into the code?

sangh commented 1 day ago

I didn't even know there was a text interface, is that documented somewhere?

So I went to look for the documentation I used for what I called the "text interface" in the comment above and realized I was actually running a fork of this repo:

and that project does have it documented. Turns out the Android app just uses a plain unencrypted sockets to talk to the EO1, so you can use netcat to do the same without having another Android device at all. It's in the readme for that project under

I have an RPi that sets the preferences every 15 minutes while I want the EO1 on which sets the brightness to max; this seems to get around the random dimming issues.