Most of the changes happen under the hood, but the syntax for updating spans changes a little bit, so when upgrading to this version you'll want to make sure that if you are trying to edit spans or are setting metadata when creating a span, that you read the new section in the readme and check out the relevant module documentation.
Coverage decreased (-5.7%) to 74.777% when pulling 72c34bb3eb9eb6125a4efa7fc0ee4a4c3d9855c9 on adapter-agnostic-spans into 73bd1ebc403c6d398a7567f3eb16cfe4cc427498 on master.
Most of the changes happen under the hood, but the syntax for updating spans changes a little bit, so when upgrading to this version you'll want to make sure that if you are trying to edit spans or are setting metadata when creating a span, that you read the new section in the readme and check out the relevant module documentation.