spaniakos / AES

AES for microcontrollers (Arduino & Raspberry pi)
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
126 stars 55 forks source link

Encrypt on one arduino and decrypt on another arduino #23

Closed waghekapil closed 5 years ago

waghekapil commented 6 years ago


Thanks for the wonderful library. :)

With the following code I'm able to do encryption and decryption on Arduino Uno.

#include <AES.h>
#include "./printf.h"

AES aes;

byte key[] = {
    0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c

byte plain[] = {
    0x73, 0x61, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6d

int plainLength = sizeof(plain);  // don't count the trailing /0 of the string !
int padedLength = plainLength + N_BLOCK - plainLength % N_BLOCK;

//real iv = iv x2 ex: 01234567 = 0123456701234567
unsigned long long int my_iv = 01234567;

void setup()
    while (!Serial) {
    printf("\n===testing mode\n");

void loop()

void prekey(int bits)
    byte iv[N_BLOCK];
    byte plain_p[16];
    byte cipher[16];
    byte check[16];
    unsigned long ms = micros();
    aes.do_aes_encrypt(plain, plainLength, cipher, key, bits, iv);
    Serial.print("Encryption took: ");
    Serial.println(micros() - ms);
    ms = micros();
    aes.do_aes_decrypt(cipher, padedLength, check, key, bits, iv);
    Serial.print("Decryption took: ");
    Serial.println(micros() - ms);
    printf("\n\nPLAIN :");
    aes.printArray(plain, (bool)true);
    aes.printArray(cipher, (bool)false);
    printf("\nCHECK :");
    aes.printArray(check, (bool)true);
    printf("\nIV    :");
    aes.printArray(iv, 16);

void prekey_test()

Since last two days I'm trying to do encryption and decryption on separate arduino boards. After encryption I pass the CIPHER and IV (as it is changing) to the other arduino and do the decryption. But, it is not decrypt properly.

Can you please help me in that?

spaniakos commented 6 years ago

hello there ,

can you post me the cipher, plaintext, IV and a sample key? also the code of both arduino would be useful.

thank you !

1sm1rk commented 6 years ago


i am facing the same problem. I am sending a message (simple text message for encryption) over nrf24 transceivers between two arduinos and want to crypt the message for security reasons. Encrypting and decrypting on one arduino is working like a charm, but if i try to decrypt the cipher on the second arduino, the decryption is not working properly. Key, IV, Bits are the same on both, the cipher in hex is also the same.

Greetings Dirk

spaniakos commented 6 years ago

can you sent me the cipher, iv , key, plaintext and the results you are getting. it would be helpful if you tell me your boards as well.

thank you

1sm1rk commented 6 years ago


i am using one original arduino nano and one elegoo uno r3 (arduino nano clone).

my data:

1sm1rk commented 6 years ago

byte key = (unsigned char)"0123456789012"; byte plain[] = "Dies iKlar"; unsigned long myIv = 36753562; int bits = 128;

1sm1rk commented 6 years ago

Sender sender

Receiver recevier

spaniakos commented 6 years ago

can you include the code segments of the encryptions and decryption ?

waghekapil commented 6 years ago

@spaniakos thanks for your reply.

I'm using one Arduino Uno and one RobotDyn's WiFi D1 MINI (ESP8266 16Mb). As mentioned one Arduino Uno encryption and decryption process is working fine.

Now! I managed to encryption on Arduino and decryption on WiFi module.


#define KP sizeof(plain) + N_BLOCK - sizeof(plain) % N_BLOCK

byte plain[] = {
    0x73, 0x61, 0x69, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6d, 0x62, 0x68, 0x61, 0x69, 0x6c, 0x6f, 0x67, 0x6f, 0x6a, 0x61, 0x69, 0x73, 0x69, 0x79, 0x61, 0x72, 0x61, 0x6d

unsigned long long int my_iv = 01234567;

byte iv[N_BLOCK] = {};
//byte plain_p[KP];
byte cipher[KP] = {};
byte check[KP] = {};

int plainLength = sizeof(plain);

byte key[] = {
    0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c

void encryptNow(int bits)

    aes.do_aes_encrypt(plain, plainLength, cipher, key, bits, iv);

    for (size_t i = 0; i < plainLength; i++)

    for (size_t i = 0; i < KP; i++)
        Serial.print(" ");


byte key[] = {
    0x2b, 0x7e, 0x15, 0x16, 0x28, 0xae, 0xd2, 0xa6, 0xab, 0xf7, 0x15, 0x88, 0x09, 0xcf, 0x4f, 0x3c

unsigned long long int my_iv = 01234567;

byte iv[N_BLOCK];
byte cipher[32]; // Hard coded size for now
byte check[32]; // Hard coded size for now

void decryptNow()
byte bb[] = { 98, 101, 53, 134, 40, 222, 51, 122, 43, 141, 85, 200, 147, 179, 175, 34, 204, 148, 40, 231, 133, 165, 137, 179, 243, 120, 227, 246, 67, 188, 170, 134 }; // Hard coded cipher value from encode function

    aes.do_aes_decrypt(bb, 32, check, key, 128, iv);

    /*for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(check); i++)
    uint8_t i, j;
    uint8_t loops = aes.get_size() / N_BLOCK;
    uint8_t outp = N_BLOCK;
    for (j = 0; j < loops; j += 1) {
        if (true && (j == (loops - 1))) { outp = N_BLOCK - aes.get_pad(); }
        for (i = 0; i < outp; i++)
            Serial.print((char)check[j*N_BLOCK + i]);


    for (size_t i = 0; i < 16; i++)
        Serial.print(iv[i], HEX);
        Serial.print(", ");


Here I'm still working on decrypted text string. It is taking extra length as I set the array size to 32 and plaintext size is 24. Also, for now I've not increment the IV (//aes.iv_inc();).

spaniakos commented 6 years ago

cool , i will check the algorithm tomorrow as i am not in my house until then. i will get back to you asap.

sofiacher commented 5 years ago

Sender sender

Receiver recevier

I have the same problem. Anyone solve it ?

spaniakos commented 5 years ago

do you set the same IV (as the encryption ) in the decrypting arduino ?

spaniakos commented 5 years ago

@sofiacher can you please tell me the following: Encryption / Decryption boards and chips, Confirm the usage of the Same Key and IV in the different algorithms.

Thank you

sofiacher commented 5 years ago

do you set the same IV (as the encryption ) in the decrypting arduino ?

Yes, its the same IV, the same key too. I am using 2 arduinos UNO, one for encryption and one for decryption with a serial communication.

spaniakos commented 5 years ago

can you share the code? either here or @ my email

spaniakos commented 5 years ago

resolving though emails.

haimilo commented 4 years ago

Hi i also have the same problems, anyone solve it? can you send me via my email: Many thanks!

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

can you share the code? my mail
looks like a very fun project.

spaniakos commented 2 years ago

@emirrhan what code?

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

@spaniakos Encrypt on one arduino and decrypt on another arduino

spaniakos commented 2 years ago

the code for that depends on your setup. it's the same code for both,

in the one you encrypt then transmit with a method over wifi or over nrf24L01+ antennas for example ( a good library for that is from nrf24

then decrypt the message in an other using the same code.

if you see the code you can split it to encrypt in one and decrypt in the other

Keep in mind that you have to transmit the IV as well and set in after you capture the message.

The key has to be hard-coded in both code-bases

in encryption - decryption the key principal is: Everything is known expect the key and the plaintext.

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

how so ? We use the same code for both encryption and decryption, but has this worked? have you tried it?

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

@spaniakos Have you prepared a project or document? I would be very happy if you could help with this.

spaniakos commented 2 years ago

i have used that several times.

its literally the same code with one line of code changed in the 1st use the encrypt method and in the second (the receiver) use the decrpytion method.

in both set the same IV

in the 1st along with Encrypt method use the plaintext and in the 2nd along with the decryption method use the enrypted text. that's it.

Yes , i have tried it several times with various boards. I have a codebade (not a project) along with nrf24 antennas. i haven't encapsulated it into a project, as this library is the encryption library.

It has to be combined with a network library, but since there are various libraries for that i can only make a "project" for the libraries that i am using. Thus the nrf24 libraries.

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

@spaniakos I understood thank you. I will try

spaniakos commented 2 years ago

initially try the code in one to encrypt get the encrypted output

and create the decryption hardcoded in the second.

when all is set and working, then you can add the network library and expand from there.

emirrhan commented 2 years ago

@spaniakos Thanks for your support, I will try to contact you if there is something I cannot do. I'm ordering the parts now.

spaniakos commented 2 years ago

@emirrhan sure , anytime , You might get me in me time off , but i will reply ASAP when i can

VamsiKrishna-26 commented 4 months ago

hi im working on AES for a mini project , can you send me two codes for encryption which i transmit the encrypted data and recieve the encrypted data on to the another arduino board using reciever

VamsiKrishna-26 commented 4 months ago

if possible share your previous code