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Near-Path NAT: Performance and trust issues #11

Open jimaek opened 2 years ago

jimaek commented 2 years ago

Hey, it's not really clear how the proposal will solve the following issues:

  1. Performance - It will add a minimum of 1 extra hop, and additionally it could create issues on the routing level. If the extra hop privacy proxy doesn't peer with the CDN and the user's ISP the latency would suffer
  2. Trust - The NAT will have too much power to monitor, filter and censor traffic that flows through it

It would be nice to try and consider these issues

bozicm commented 1 year ago

I would add No. 3: NP-NAT would another layer to troubleshooting the network issues and would actually contribute to disabling NP-NAT indefinitely (e.g. "Having network issues? Disable the firewall!"), thus defeating the purpose of such solution. For example, I use an ad blocker, but then some sites have implemented detection of ad blockers and won't display their content if I don't disable it.