spantaleev / matrix-docker-ansible-deploy

🐳 Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
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trouble to import postgresql database #1430

Open felixx9 opened 2 years ago

felixx9 commented 2 years ago


last night I filed So far I didn't manage to import my old database from old manual install. I have no clue yet about containers, but did deploy a few matrix-docker-ansible-deploys without any trouble. Luckily - my old system went up almost w/o any issues (some session verification problems...).

What was my plan?

What I did?

Any help?

Is there anybody around who can say "you did THIS wrong"? would be sooooo great. ;) Thx in advance felixx9

felixx9 commented 2 years ago

after deleting data directory:

root@xxxxxxxxx:~# systemctl stop matrix-postgres
root@xxxxxxxxx:~# rm -rf /matrix/postgres/data/*
root@xxxxxxxxx:~# systemctl start matrix-postgres
root@xxxxxxxxx:~# /usr/local/bin/matrix-postgres-cli
psql (14.1)
Type "help" for help.

matrix=# \l
                          List of databases
   Name    | Owner  | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges 
 matrix    | matrix | UTF8     | C       | C     | 
 postgres  | matrix | UTF8     | C       | C     | 
 template0 | matrix | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/matrix        +
           |        |          |         |       | matrix=CTc/matrix
 template1 | matrix | UTF8     | C       | C     | =c/matrix        +
           |        |          |         |       | matrix=CTc/matrix
(4 rows)
felixx9 commented 2 years ago

and import fails

root@xxxxxxxxx:~# /usr/bin/env docker run --rm --name matrix-postgres-import --log-driver=none --user=998:1001 --cap-drop=ALL --network=matrix --env-file=/matrix/postgres/env-postgres-psql --mount type=bind,src=/migration/synapse_dump.sql,dst=/synapse_dump.sql,ro --entrypoint=/bin/sh -c "cat /synapse_dump.sql | grep -vE '^(CREATE|ALTER) ROLE (matrix)(;| WITH)' | grep -vE '^CREATE DATABASE (matrix)\s' | psql -v ON_ERROR_STOP=1 -h matrix-postgres --dbname=matrix"

(1 row)

ERROR:  role "synapse" does not exist
felixx9 commented 2 years ago

wipe again:

root@xxxxxxxxx:~# systemctl stop matrix-postgres
root@xxxxxxxxx:~# rm -rf /matrix/postgres/data/*
root@xxxxxxxxx:~# systemctl start matrix-postgres

run ansible-playbook -i inventory/hosts setup.yml -K --tags=setup-postgres

"the long line" again. I'm soooo sure I tried this very step lots of times. Import is running. We'll se (next nights somewhen)

spantaleev commented 2 years ago

When you delete the data (rm -rf /matrix/postgres/data), it's not enough to just start Postgres (systemctl start matrix-postgres) and import.

You need to run --tags=setup-postgres (or --tags=setup-all) first, to prepare the various databases.

felixx9 commented 2 years ago

yeah I think I did all combinations. wondering, where --dbname=matrix in "the long line" is coming from. Because now it looks good. At least tables are imported to the correct database (synapse)

salabaz commented 2 years ago

Same problem here. I think the problem is that postgres_default_import_database is by default set to matrix_postgres_db_name in import_prostgres.yaml. And postgres_db_nameis set to matrixis matrix-postgres/defaults/main.yaml

After setting postgres_default_import_database to synapse the import worked. I just started to play around with this and have no prior experience with ansible. But shouldn't postgres_default_import_database be set to matrix_synapse_database_database by default?

spantaleev commented 2 years ago

@salabaz, perhaps you're importing a dump of the synapse database? Or are you importing a dump that contains all databases?

salabaz commented 2 years ago

Yes, that's it, I import only the synapsedatabase. I found the explanation here in roles/matrix-postgres/tasks/import_postgres.yml:

38 # By default, we connect and import into the main (matrix) database. 39 # Single-database dumps for Synapse may wish to import into synapse instead.

Maybe this information should be added to the docs for people migrating from other types of installations.

spantaleev commented 2 years ago

Adding it to the docs sounds good! Would you like to submit a PR?