spantaleev / matrix-docker-ansible-deploy

🐳 Matrix (An open network for secure, decentralized communication) server setup using Ansible and Docker
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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traefik issue for bridge connection after update #3338

Closed nikolagit1 closed 1 month ago

nikolagit1 commented 1 month ago

Playbook Configuration:

My vars.yml file looks like this:



# The Matrix homeserver software to install.
# See `roles/matrix-base/defaults/main.yml` for valid options.
matrix_homeserver_implementation: synapse

# A secret used as a base, for generating various other secrets.
# You can put any string here, but generating a strong one is preferred (e.g. `pwgen -s 64 1`).
matrix_homeserver_generic_secret_key: ''

# This is something which is provided to Let's Encrypt when retrieving SSL certificates for domains.
# In case SSL renewal fails at some point, you'll also get an email notification there.
# If you decide to use another method for managing SSL certificates (different than the default Let's Encrypt),
# you won't be required to define this variable (see `docs/`).
#matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: none
#matrix_nginx_proxy_https_enabled: false
#matrix_nginx_proxy_container_http_host_bind_port: ''
#matrix_synapse_container_federation_api_plain_host_bind_port: ''
matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type: playbook-managed-traefik

matrix_addons_homeserver_systemd_services_list: "{{ ([devture_traefik_identifier + '.service'] if matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type == 'playbook-managed-traefik' else []) if matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_enabled else matrix_homeserver_systemd_servi$

# Specifies the network that the reverse-proxy is operating at
matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_container_network: 'traefik'

# Specifies the hostname that the reverse-proxy is available at
matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_hostname: 'matrix-traefik'
# Controls the additional network that reverse-proxyable services will be connected to.
matrix_playbook_reverse_proxyable_services_additional_network: "{{ matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_container_network }}"

# Ensure that public urls use https
matrix_playbook_ssl_enabled: true

# Disable the web-secure (port 443) endpoint, which also disables SSL certificate retrieval
devture_traefik_config_entrypoint_web_secure_enabled: false
# If your reverse-proxy runs on another machine, consider using ``, just `81` or `SOME_IP_ADDRESS_OF_THIS_MACHINE:81`
devture_traefik_container_web_host_bind_port: ''

# We bind to `` by default (see above), so trusting `X-Forwarded-*` headers from
# a reverse-proxy running on the local machine is safe enough.
devture_traefik_config_entrypoint_web_forwardedHeaders_insecure: true

matrix_synapse_http_listener_resource_names: ["client","federation"]
matrix_federation_public_port: 443
matrix_synapse_federation_port_enabled: false
matrix_synapse_tls_federation_listener_enabled: false
#matrix_ssl_retrieval_method: none
# A Postgres password to use for the superuser Postgres user (called `matrix` by default).
# The playbook creates additional Postgres users and databases (one for each enabled service)
# using this superuser account.
devture_postgres_connection_password: ''

matrix_synapse_container_additional_networks: ["traefik"]

matrix_mautrix_whatsapp_enabled: true
matrix_synapse_configuration_extension_yaml: |
    msc2716_enabled: true
      backfill: true

matrix_mautrix_facebook_enabled: true
matrix_mautrix_facebook_configuration_extension_yaml: |
      allow: true
      default: true

matrix_mautrix_telegram_enabled: true
matrix_mautrix_telegram_api_id: ""
matrix_mautrix_telegram_api_hash: ""

matrix_mautrix_instagram_enabled: true
matrix_mautrix_instagram_configuration_extension_yaml: |
      allow: true
      default: true

Matrix Server:

Problem description: I had server working for few years, after updating it now after some time I have issue that all bridge bots can't connect to it. I tried to add some vars as `matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_enabled: "{{ matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_type in ['playbook-managed-traefik', 'other-traefik-container'] }}" matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_name: matrix-internal-matrix-client-api matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_port: 8008 matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port: '' matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto | combine(matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom, recursive=True) }}" matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_auto: {} matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_config_custom: {}

matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_definition: name: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_name }}" port: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_port }}" host_bind_port: "{{ matrix_playbook_internal_matrix_client_api_traefik_entrypoint_host_bind_port but that didn't fix it also tried to add matrix_playbook_reverse_proxy_hostname but I keep getting this error on all bridges:

 matrix-mautrix-whatsapp[54379]: May 27, 2024 20:41:21 WRN Request failed, retrying error="Get \"http://matrix-traefik:8008/_matrix/client/versions?\": 
dial tcp connect: connection refused" req_id=27 retry_in_seconds=4

Also tried to add matrix_synapse_container_additional_networks: ["traefik"] but I think that isn't issue

nikolagit1 commented 1 month ago

I solved it by running systemctl daemon-reload and restarting traefik manually, after last change I think I forgot to stop and start but I did try before and that wasn't working so I guess some variable I added fixed it