sparcopen / doathon

Our discussion forum (see "issues") for the OpenCon Do-A-Thon, a day of trying, making, testing and doing to advance Open Research & Education. See our full website, with more information (including Github Help, and how to get involved).
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OpenCon Propaganda: Let's make a video telling the world what OpenCon means to us! #102

Open pmusser opened 5 years ago

pmusser commented 5 years ago

[//]: # "======================= Even if you know Github well, we suggest you read this. Anything between these lines you can leave or delete, as they won't display anyway when you post (you can check this via Preview changes). They're here to help you complete issues quickly and in a way that will help other participants. If you're posting a new project, or challenge. We suggest you fill out the Google Forms first. ============================"

At a glance

[//]: # "======================= Please paste the metadata you received after submitting your project or challenge in your Google Form exactly as we sent it to you. You can delete what's there now, it's just there ============================"


It never hurts to put a face to a cause, so I'd like to put together a video that talks about OpenCon, as well as Open more generally, so that people outside of our space and community can see who's involved and why.

[//]: # "======================= Insert a paragraph providing more context for your project or challenge focuses on. For project leads, this is a good place to give some broader context about your project—beyond the scope of the do-a-thon. If you're posting a challenge, this is a good chance to say how the problem arise or why it feels relevant to you. ============================"

What are we working on during the do-a-thon? What kinds of support do we need?

DONE -- I went around and talked to OpenCon attendees on camera to ask them what Open means to them.

[//]: # "======================= For those leading projects, please give some more information about what type of support you are specifically looking to get done during the do-a-thon day. Note: Challenge leads will not need to fill out this section and can remove it. ============================"

How can others contribute?

Send a brief video (10-30 seconds) introducing yourself, and completing the statement, "Open matters to me because..." to me -- -- through whatever means works. Dropbox, Google Drive. If you don't have a way to send me videos, email me and I'll send you a link to a Google Drive folder that you can use.

Around the 20th, I'll put everything together and edit it into a video, upload to my YouTube channel, Stacks & Facts, and share it on social media for the world to see!

[//]: # "======================= Please say what the best way to contribute to the project or challenge is, sometimes that will just be 'lets discuss here' or 'Ive started a Google doc'. If you are a challenge lead, give some context on what design thinking tools you will be using, and how other folks can update their ideas onto the thread. If you are a project lead, and you already have clear ways people can contribute it might be worth linking to them here. Language: If your project is regionally based in a non-English-speaking region, clarify here what language you and contributors will primarily be communicating in. If you're leading a project or challenge participating remotely: Use this space to let people know that this is a remote project and that you are not 'in the room' in Berlin. Let other participants know what the best way to get in touch with you, where the work will happen, and where any updates or outputs will go. If you are at the in-person meeting in Berlin: Be as inclusive as possible to those outside the room. Use this space to give clear instructions to those participating in the do-a-thon remotely on how they can keep up to date and contribute. ============================"

[//]: # "======================= You're ready to post!!! After posting your issue, the real work begins. Next, you might want to: Tweet a link to this issue with #opencon so others can join in Make another issue to involve people in your work - remember to use your metadata Come back from time to time and update the community on your project. You'll get an email update whenever someone interacts with your issue. ============================"

This post is part of the OpenCon Do-A-Thon. Not sure what's going on? Head here.

pmusser commented 5 years ago

the 20th was an ambitious due date; been out of country for the past week and also moving house as I get ready to graduate, so it's getting pushed back to December-ish. 😬

Update - 22 November 2018: I recorded with about 8 people at OpenCon & put a call out to folks on social media who weren't present to also submit recordings, although nobody submitted anything afterward.

@JosephMcArthur mentioned that I could reach out to him for some B-Roll footage, which I will do once I start editing! Will write a script and edit ASAP.