sparcopen / doathon

Our discussion forum (see "issues") for the OpenCon Do-A-Thon, a day of trying, making, testing and doing to advance Open Research & Education. See our full website, with more information (including Github Help, and how to get involved).
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Open practices, services, tools and communities in Humanities #84

Closed etothczifra closed 5 years ago

etothczifra commented 5 years ago

Open practices, services, tools and communities in Humanities: In this project we collect open practices, tools, services and communities that/who help Humanities scholars to do better research. The project is the extension of the Open Humanities and Social Sciences from the DO-a-thlon session from OpenCon 2017.

At a glance


In this session, we're aiming to bring more visibility to the discipline-specific open solutions emerging from community practices and practices of communities in Humanities.

Goals: Build connections between those of us working on all kinds of open issue in Humanities Give new momentum to the OpenCon Open Sciences and Humanities group from OpenCon 2017 Create a resource list for open practices, services, tools and communities in humanities Collect success stories (or horror stories) from Open Humanities

What are we working on during the do-a-thon? What kinds of support do we need?

Hopefully anyone working on or interested in open issues in Humanities can find a way to contribute. We'll be working collaboratively on a few documents and discussing plans for future activities.

How can others contribute?

A dedicated Google doc with some details is coming soon. You can leave recommendations of open resources by leaving a comment here. Please do not forget to tell a little bit about how it/they helped you in opening up your research and why you recommend it to others.

You can check out the OHSS proceedings from last year here:

etothczifra commented 5 years ago

Dear Participants, we decided to join forces with the Open Praxis forum, please feel free to contribute here: