I am trying to run ./build/sbt test but that doesn't seem working
(venv) smoy@smoy-mba spark-redshift % ./build/sbt test
Using /Users/smoy/.sdkman/candidates/java/current as default JAVA_HOME.
Note, this will be overridden by -java-home if it is set.
Attempting to fetch sbt
Our attempt to download sbt locally to build/sbt-launch-0.13.18.jar failed. Please install sbt manually from http://www.scala-sbt.org/
When I install sbt, I can just run sbt test in the top level directory.
I notice pre-commit config also simply run sbt instead of ./build/sbt, I suggest we update the sbt usage.
I am trying to run ./build/sbt test but that doesn't seem working
When I install sbt, I can just run
sbt test
in the top level directory.I notice pre-commit config also simply run sbt instead of ./build/sbt, I suggest we update the sbt usage.