sparkapi / spark_api

Ruby client library for communication with the Spark API
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SparkApi::PermissionDenied in ListingsController#index #125

Closed NathanielGiron closed 7 years ago

NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago


I am new to spark api and I am just trying to generate all listings in a new rails app.

Here are my steps:

So what am I missing here? Thank you for your response!

bhornseth commented 7 years ago

Hi Nathaniel, have you configured the API client as shown in the top of the Usage Examples section?

I see you've put your key and secret in a config file, but it's unclear from your code snippet if you've used those to set up the library. If you haven't, you could create an initializer (e.g. config/initializers/spark_api.rb) that loads the settings from the yaml file and configures the client with your key and secret as shown in the readme.

NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply @bhornseth ! It worked!

I have another question about the photos. So in the JSON, the photos attribute is a blank array but when I do: SparkApi.client.get "/listings/#{listing_id}/photos/" It returns an object that has photo URLs of that specific listing.

What I did to my listings_controller.rb(in show method) is: @photos = SparkApi.client.get "/listings/#{listing_id}/photos" then use that @photos object to my view but the problem is, I am unable to grab individual key/value of that object.

What I mean is, when I do: <% @photos.each do |photo| %> <ul> <li><%= photo %></li> </ul> <% end %> here's a sample of the displayed @photos object: {"Uri2048"=>"", "UriLarge"=>"", "Primary"=>true}

My problem is when I try to access that UriLarge property using photo.UriLarge, it gives me a method error.

Is this the right way to do this or Is there a better way?

bhornseth commented 7 years ago

You can tell the API to return the photos with the listing request using the Photos expansion e.g.:

listings = Listing.find(:all, _expand: 'Photos')

The photos array in the each of the listing instances will then have values, and you can work with those as you're expecting (e.g. will return the UriLarge value)

Quick note about that: when you use the classes in SparkApi::Models to retrieve data, you can use methods like photo.UriLarge. When you retrieve data using the client request helper (e.g. SparkApi.client.get "/listings/#{listing_id}/photos", the return value is a plain ruby Hash, so you can would need to access data in those as you would any other hash in ruby (e.g. photo['UriLarge'] would work,photo.UriLarge` will not)

NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago

@bhornseth Thanks again! I don't like to open another issue so hopefully, I can still ask on this thread. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I would like to know why the API only displays 10 listing right now and how can I implement pagination on this and pagination links? Thanks again

bhornseth commented 7 years ago

10 is the default number of listings per page (_limit parameter). You can find documentation on how to paginate over a set of API resources on our API documentation site

NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago

Okay, so pagination is working, however, I'm not sure how to deal with the views:

Controller: page = params[:page] @listings = Listing.find(:all, _expand: 'Photos', _page: page)

Views: <ul class="pagination"> <li><a href="?page=1">1</a></li> <li><a href="?page=2">2</a></li> <li><a href="?page=3">3</a></li> </ul>

I can easily display all the page numbers by dividing total count & 10 and looping through each number. But I don't wanna do that because that isn't ideal. The result I want is something like: "< 1 2 3 4 5 ... >"

Also, can I use gems like will_paginate or kamari? or is there a better way to do this?

bhornseth commented 7 years ago

How you handle the views is going to be specific to your application. Note that if you include the _pagination param with your listing request, the API will return a hash telling you the total number of listings, current page, total pages, etc:

>> Listing.find(:all, _pagination: 1).pagination
{"TotalRows"=>19078, "PageSize"=>10, "CurrentPage"=>1, "TotalPages"=>1908}
NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago

thanks @bhornseth! I made a custom pagination and the code you sent me helped!

I have a question regarding search:

I am trying to filter listings by Agent name or contact or their license but how come It's returning all of the listings?

I am not sure if there is something wrong with my query syntax but I'm pretty sure this is correct: :_filter => "ListAgentStateLicense Eq 'AB-123'" *AB-123 is just a sample

bhornseth commented 7 years ago

@NathanielGiron I'm going have you direct that question to our support personnel since that's most likely specific to the MLS you're accessing. They can be reached via email:

NathanielGiron commented 7 years ago

thanks @bhornseth