sparkassen-hub / ahoi-nodejs-client

Node.js API Client to get bank accesses using the AHOI Open Banking API
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link

Query Regarding Accessibility and Usability of Sparkassen Sync Tool #3

Open yeahoffline opened 1 year ago

yeahoffline commented 1 year ago


I am reaching out concerning a potential issue with the webpage, It appears the page is currently inaccessible.

We maintain a number of online shops for our clients, all of which rely on syncing with their Sparkassen bank accounts. As Sparkasse has recently implemented mandatory two-factor authentication for their web login, we are in the process of exploring new solutions to accommodate this change in our existing Node.js Sparkassen sync tool.

Could you kindly confirm if your package and api is still operational and compatible with these changes?

Any information or guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

Best Regards, Frank

imagin33r commented 1 year ago

Hi Frank,

this project is a nodejs client for AHOI, but no longer maintained.

If you are interested in an multibankig API for numerous various institutes feel free to check out our API and Sandbox.

We also provide a SDK for node.js and easy to use management frontend for our api.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us at

Best regards,
