Error description
The command tone() is not generating a PWM signal on the pins.
try tone(A16,200) in a sketch and it will fail (as with any other pin)
Root cause error in the library
file : SparkFun/hardware/apollo3/2.1.1/cores/arduino/sdk/core-implement/CommonAnalog.cpp,
function : void indexTone(pin_size_t index, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration)
at the end of the function (line 184) the duration handling check is incorrect. If duration = 0 (which means NO duration check needed) the tone should continue until the user stops with notone(). Now it will stop tone immediately.
It will then work as it should. The error is on all the V2 library versions. V1x library has 2 different tone() calls one with and one without duration and thus is works correctly there.
Error description The command tone() is not generating a PWM signal on the pins.
Reproduce try tone(A16,200) in a sketch and it will fail (as with any other pin)
Root cause error in the library file : SparkFun/hardware/apollo3/2.1.1/cores/arduino/sdk/core-implement/CommonAnalog.cpp, function : void indexTone(pin_size_t index, unsigned int frequency, unsigned long duration) at the end of the function (line 184) the duration handling check is incorrect. If duration = 0 (which means NO duration check needed) the tone should continue until the user stops with notone(). Now it will stop tone immediately.
Change this to :
It will then work as it should. The error is on all the V2 library versions. V1x library has 2 different tone() calls one with and one without duration and thus is works correctly there.
regards, Paulvha