sparkfun / Arduino_Boards

Board definitions for SparkFun-manufactured AVR, ARM, and ESP-based Arduino boards.
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Update arm-none-eabi-gcc for SAMD boards #115

Closed stonehippo closed 7 months ago

stonehippo commented 7 months ago

The 1.8.11 version bundles a fairly old version of the arm-none-eabi-gcc (excerpt below).

              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
              "version": "4.8.3-2014q1"

This is the version that was packaged with older versions of the Arduino SAMD board support. However, newer versions have updated this toolchain:

              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "arm-none-eabi-gcc",
              "version": "7-2017q4"

It would be great to have the Sparkfun Arduino BSP updated to more recent versions. Among other things, this would fix install issues on some platforms, including Raspberry PI/aarch64, where there is no package available for the older 2014 gcc.

edspark commented 7 months ago

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I'll get this updated sometime today.

edspark commented 7 months ago

I updated the version used in the package json in the latest release 1.8.12, and I think the IDE is smart enough to use it since it's bundled with Arduino's SAMD packages and our release depends on theirs. if I've missed something, please don't hesitate to let me know!

stonehippo commented 7 months ago

@edspark it looks like that works to resolve the newer ARM toolchain, but it's not quite enough. The bossac version in the file is not in the Arduino package for all platforms. When using the latest on 64-bit ARM (Raspberry Pi OS), I get this:

Error during install: Error downloading tool arduino:bossac@1.8.0-48-gb176eee: no versions available for the current OS

It looks like Adafruit got around this by packaging bossac themselves:

              "packager": "Adafruit",
              "name": "bossac-",
              "version": "1.8.0-48-gb176eee"