This repo houses all of the SFE Fritzing parts for use in diagrams in tutorials. If you create a new part in Fritzing that correlates to an SFE part, please add it here so others may use it and to avoid duplication.
It's unclear what license the assets in this repository fall under, these images/fritzing diagrams are widely republished across the internet and it would be good to add an explicit copyleft license such as creative commons share-alike w/ attribution:
Hola! Fritzing parts fall under the creative commons license. I've added our standard SparkFun license file, which includes the CC license text. Thanks for the heads up here!
It's unclear what license the assets in this repository fall under, these images/fritzing diagrams are widely republished across the internet and it would be good to add an explicit copyleft license such as creative commons share-alike w/ attribution: